Into The Storm:Scorc
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Goblin Mage 6
XP 45,000/70,000 (+10%)
Alignment Neutral
Full PC
Scorc knows they're the leader of the goblin band, but they allow them to have their visions of grandeur. Gotta let the young ones dream!
They had a suspicion unusual adventure was cast in the bones, but they weren't expecting it to look like this.
- STR 12 (open doors 2 in 6)
- INT 12 (literate)
- WIS 07 (-1 magic saves)
- DEX 11
- CON 16 (+2 hp/level)
- CHA 18 (+3, max retainers 7, loyalty 10)
- Languages
- General Skills (L1: 3 skills, L4: +1, L7: +1)
- Alchemy: Proficient 15+
- Bargain: Skilled 7+
- Magical Engineering: Proficient 15+
- Class Abilities
- Goblins have infra-vision to 90’ and suffer a –1 penalty to attack rolls when above ground or exposed to bright lights (as a 'light' spell or brighter). At 2nd level this vulnerability goes away, although they still dislike bright light.
- They are decent miners and can spot new or unusual stone construction – including traps or secret doors made of stone – on a roll of 1-3 in 8
- 1st-level goblins are small of stature, and unable to wield large weapons (effectively, they are limited to weapons dealing 1d6 points of damage or less). Goblins grow as they increase in power.
- Does not gain followers, but can become the leader of a tribe (L3?)
- Cannot wear armor, save and attack as magic-users
- Can use two weapons + 1 weapon at L5 (dagger, sling, short sword)
- May use any magical items usable by magic-users. Can cast magic-user spells from scrolls.
- At L4, can attempt to craft potions, scrolls, and charms. At L9, can attempt to create higher-powered magical items.
- Knacks (L1/L5/L9)
- Self-improvement, primary (+1 CHA, +1 CON)
- Blood Magic: can spend HP. The blood mage can spend a total number of hit points per spell equal to their class level, but multiple effects can be used on a single spell.
- Reroll dice. 1 hp per die reroll. Any one die can only be rerolled once. The better of the two results is taken.
- Add a bonus to attack rolls. If an attack roll is needed for the spell, the mage gains a +1 bonus per 2 hp spent.
- Increase duration. The duration can be increased by 50% for every 2 hp spent. Spells with a duration of Instant cannot be extended, and spells with a Permanent duration are unaffected.
- Impose a penalty to saving throws equal to –1 per 3 hp.
- Increase the range of the spell by 50% per 3 hp.
- Increase the area of effect of the spell by 50% by spending 5 hp.
- AC 10
- HP 35
- Movement Rate 120'/40'
- Initiative Modifier +0
- Attacks (BAB +2 included below)
- Primary Melee Attack: dagger +2 to hit, 1d4 damage
- Primary Ranged Attack: sling +2 to hit, 1d4 damage, 40'/80'/160'
- Secondary Melee Attack: short sword +2 to hit, 1d6 damage
- Saves:
- Poison & Death 11
- Staves & Wands 12
- Petrification & Paralysis 11
- Blast & Breath 14
- Spells 12
- Cast spells as a sorcerer, without needing to memorize spells.
- Knows a number of unique spells = class level + highest-level spell + CHA modifier (12 spells)
- May learn new spells at each level, and may switch out a known spell for an unknown one (once/level)
- L1: 4 spells/day (0 cast)
- Charm Person - 120' range; a single human, demi-human, or human-like monster (of no greater than 4+1 HD for monster) must save vs spells or be charmed. Save frequency is based on INT score.
- Light/Darkness
- magic missile
- shield
- Sleep - 240' range, 4d4 turns, may either affect one creature with 4+1 HD or a total of 2d8 HD of creatures that are 4 HD or less
- L2: 3 spells/day (0 cast)
- detect invisible
- knock
- locate object
- mirror image
- L3: 2 spells/day (0 cast)
- dispel magic
- fireball
- haste
- Gear, Armor, Weapons: Total Encumbrance.
- ring of water walking - grants the power to walk on the surface of water, without sinking.
- potion of invulnerability - +2 AC bonus, +2 to all saves for 1d6+6 turns
- Individually