Intro to Midnight: GMs

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Intro to Midnight: DMs

Whether you’re new to the scene or a veteran of the RPG, Midnight will give you the basis for endless adventure in a dark fantasy setting!

For those of us that love to weave the story, control the situations, and dangle the proverbial carrots to eager players, Midnight is a dream come true. A truly unique setting, the world of Aryth is a dark place of rampant evil and wicked dominion, all presided over by the only deity that exists, the Dark God, Izrador. It has often been said that the realm of Midnight would be akin to Middle-Earth™ if Sauron had regained the One Ring and defeated the forces of light. We tend to think that Sauron was a pampers-wearing toddler compared to Izrador.

Midnight also offers an alternative to the standard d20 magic system, based upon a caster’s ability score bonus, utilizing a versatile point-based system. There is no divine magic per se, save that granted to the clerics of Izrador (called Legates), but some of the spells from the d20 Core Rule Books that were previously divine have been transposed to a more arcane base. This creates an outstanding base for enhanced role-playing, and hours of player enjoyment.

The storyline is no less fantastic – a dark god, cast down by his fellow gods, deceives them all. While his prime form was destroyed and his essence cast down to the vast polar regions of Aryth, the very act of destroying his form severed Aryth from the other gods. The question of whether or not the Sundering , as it is known, is a permanent situation has yet to be determined. The amount of power it would take to reverse such a baneful predicament is beyond the scope of even the gods trapped outside of the barrier, now cut off for thousands of years from the memories of the people who fight daily just to stay alive. And as the saying goes, “He does not share power.” Magic is outlawed. Weapons and armor are illegal, too. Can you imagine dropping your PC’s into a veritable ‘police-state’ that just happens to be their entire world? Where will you take your story?

Midnight has already seen a tremendous following, and a large part of that is due to the fansites devoted to the setting. Both the Yahoo! Group ( ) and this site, Against the Shadow, have been an outstanding source of Q & A about the setting, and have seen some of the most brilliant works of fans ever assembled for any setting. The wealth of information and collaboration between fans is near staggering, and the fan base just keeps growing! Immerse your gaming experience with downloads, new monsters, rules clarifications, even a brand new Netbook , with more on the way!

The Midnight setting was anticipated for a long time, and with its arrival, the community can say only one thing: Give us more! FFG has responded, and more product support is on the way. The setting has even now been 'ported to other gaming systems outside of d20 - all by the fans. Come and see what the fans are writing! Check out the setting for yourself; you won’t be disappointed! Author: Swashbuckler