Ironclaw Fur and Fury/Hayip

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Hayip Snoutworth[edit]

Coyote Messenger


Hayip wears a full-body cloak. Peering from beneath the cloak's hood are brown eyes and a distinguishing, long snout.

Hayip was born into a peasant family under auspicious star alignment. His village celebrated his birth, but the Coyote didn't make much of himself. The nature of his birth got him tutorage with a respected Raven, Master Cawn of nearby Merza*. Master Cawn taught Hayip how to read and let Hayip think for himself, but Hayip never dedicated himself to any one field of study. He spent much of his time reading folklore and fables in Master Cawn's library.

When another border dispute with the Phelan happened, Hayip was drafted into the Bisclavert military. He was taught how to wield a weapon and shoot from afar. His Sergeant soon saw that Hayip was not cut out for a life of frontline combat, so his skill at reading was put to use. He delivered messages to and from various military commanders, often reading the messages for them.

After the border skirmishes with the Phelan were suspended, Hayip became embroiled in a minor incident between two minor noble houses within Bisclavert territory, one a Coyote house (which he was part of) and another a Rabbit house. The conflict ended in a stalemate with both sides declaring victory even though no ground was really gained.

Now Hayip spends most of his time in Port Spar running errands for people and delivering messages and packages. He is valued for his speed and dedication to whatever job he is on.

  • I may be reading the map wrong because I can't find anything about this city online. The curving nature of the first letter is not letting me read it.



Habitat Plains
Cycle Night
Diet Omnivore
Senses Listen, Smell
Weapons Claws, Teeth
Age 21
Gender Male
Height 12
Weight 6
Eyes Brown
Pelt Tan
Distinguishing Characteristic Long snout
Distinguishing Characteristic Full cover cloak

Personal Motto[edit]

A Dinar Earned is a Dinar Gained


Species: Coyote d6
Career: Messenger d10
Body d8
Speed d8
Mind d4
Will d6


Name Favorite Use Marks Species Career
Brawling ____
Climbing Over buildings / d4
Dodge vs. Melee // d6
Endurance Long Treks d4 d6 d10
Gossip Finding People / d4 d10
Jumping Over ledges / d4
Melee Combat Dagger /// d8
Observation d10
Ranged Combat Longbow //// d10
Riding / d4
Searching d6
Stealth Urban / d4
Swimming Rivers / d4
Tactics d6
Weather Sense // d6


Type Name Exhausted Refresh? Description
Personality Patient [] Respite After any roll that is somehow relevant to the personality, exhaust this Gift to roll a bonus d12.
Language Permits speaking this language (reading/writing requires Literacy). Without this, Gossip and Negotiation are impossible, Inquiry is limited, Presence is unaffected.
Local Knowledge Bonus d12 to know where things are, gossip with the natives, elude pursuit, and otherwise apply knowledge of the area.
Initial Combat Save [] Respite After rolling Soak & Armor from a failed attack/defense, exhaust this gift to negate results of Unconscious, Dying, or Dead. Or reduce Overkilled to Dying.
Species Keen Ears pg 51
Species Howling pg 68
Species Survival pg 60
Career Dead Reckoning pg 54
Career Geography pg 54
Career Hiking pg 51
General Literacy pg 78
General Luck [] Chapter pg 65
General Veteran pg 83
General Sure-Footed pg 53
General Fast jumper pg 51

Gear and cash[edit]

Cash: 8


Weapon Hand Range Roll Effect Notes Carried Price Weight
Dagger Off hand Close Body,melee combat Vs Defense Damage +2 Thrown, Blade, Concealable On Body Average (1 1/2D) 1/8 Stone
Long Bow 2 hands Long Speed, Ranged Combat vs. defense Damage +1 Critical Bow, Reload/1 On Body Average (2/3D) 1/8 Stone


Shield Use Cover Dice Carried Price Weight


Armour effect Notes Carried Price Weight
Leather Armor Soak d6 On Body 1/2 Stone


Item Notes Carried Price Weight
Travel Grub (Meat) 10 Average (1/2D) 5/2 Stones
Water 10 Cheap (Free) 5/2 Stones
Blanket, travel 1 Cheap,Rare (1/2D) 1/8 Stones
Common Arrows 24 Cheap (1/4D per 24) 1/8 Stones
Backpack 1 Average (3D) 1/4 Stones


Shortbow 1/8 stone Dagger 1/8 stone


Leather Armor 1/2 stone Commoner's Clothes 1/4 stone


10 Travel Grub (Meat) 5/2

10 Water 5/2

Blanket, travel 1/8

24 Common Arrows 1/8


Total 25/4 Stone

On Body 1 Stone


Initiative: d4, d8


Stride: 1

Dash: 4 (1/2 Max Speed +1 if Body>speed)

Sprint: d8 (Speed die)

Run: 20 (Max body + Max speed + Dash)


Attack Hand Range Attack Dice Effect
Generic per attack Close d8 per attack
Attack Hand Range Attack Dice Effect
Teeth Head Close d6, d8 Vs Defense Damage +1 Grapple
Claws Off-hand Close d6, d8 Vs defense Damage +1 Critical
Attack Hand Range Attack Dice Effect
Shortbow 2 hand Close d8, d10 Vs Defense Damage +2
Dagger Off-Hand Close d8, d8 Vs defense Damage +2