Isabelle's Journal (round one)

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(This would have been her journal entry the night of the séance. And yes, there is a theme here.  :) )

I must somehow find a way to convince my mother and father that I do not require a husband. I know it is the social norm of society but I do not want to become the property of some man; at least not before I have a chance to explore the world more than just the society of London. To marry one of the many men that I have had to meet over the past few months makes me already feel as if it would send me to an early grave; if from nothing more than simple boredom.

Nicolas Varney, the man who did the séance, was interesting or more like that which followed him around was. Of course, I made father and mother believe that it had worked though it did not. He did not even summon the correct spirit; though mother is convinced that it worked and that is all that mattered. She didn’t even guess the correct one that was haunting me. No, John is safely still around; frankly I don’t want him to leave and while I’ll play along with their little parlor games, I would never contribute to getting rid of him.

If mother and father only knew what I was up to in my spare time; when they weren’t looking. I’m not so sure they would be as offended by knowledge I have in guns and using knifes and the like as they would be about my study into the occult. I only can assume on my own knowledge that some of what happened was parlor tricks, probably mostly for mother’s benefit. I am convinced that the sudden cold and the things dealing with the little boy spirit were quite real.

Mother is easy to convince of things, I believe she mostly knows only what she chooses to. Father is a little more difficult but he tends to do things to make mother happy. If I somehow can make mother happy, so it would satisfy father and still not end up married that would work. I must come up with a plan because they will not let up, unless I find a husband or can find a way out of it.

I do want to go back to that butcher’s shop; I would so like to learn to lock pick and I feel that half-man would have knowledge that might be useful to me. I wonder how much he would charge for such things. Maybe, I should bring him home as possible husband I bet that would just scandalize my mother though then maybe she wouldn’t think that Jose had been so bad.

Then there is the scientist couple; I’ve never met a woman like that before. I believe her name was Finch…Mrs. Finch or I assume professor Finch. I do not recall her first name then again I’m not sure I was told it. She seemed independent but she is married; I wonder if that’s possible and how to does one go about finding a husband that will allow such independence? I still do not want to be married but at least that would be in the correct direction of what I would want in a marriage. I wonder if that is more possible among academics; as they are two scientists. Not that I want to be a scientist but journalism requires a certain degree of knowledge as well.

If I approach this subject with mother she will just tell me that I am young and do not know what I want or what is truly good for me. If that is the case though then why does it make sense to marry me off; would it not be likely that I would make a bad decision in the mate I chose?

I am glad that Elizabeth was found well and intact but that little adventure made me just have an urge for more. I want to explore places, see new things and meet more people. I want to not have to attend boring parties or be introduced to more possible suitors and I never again want to have to endure another night with my father constantly asking our dinner guest if he will marry me.

I sometimes wonder if Samuel would be of any use in my endeavor to not be made to marry. He must know people who could take me on an adventure. My godfather is, after all, not nearly as boring as my parents and he would seem like the type that would know interesting people. Maybe, I could talk him into getting me introduced to some of them. Then again he might just be able to teach me how to gamble and speak in ancient languages.

I believe I shall end this entry here; with a circle back to where I started. I must find some way to keep from getting married.

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