Isara Esikka

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sara Esikka, from Persephone (SM 2228 - B775833-A) 1.80m (6'1") 71.3 kg (157 lbs) White hair (to mid-back when free) Grey eyes.

Highly athletic and intelligent, but a little more focused on having fun than on pursuing her educational opportunities, though she didn't neglect her studies - just preferred having fun.


Skills: Animals 0 Astrogation 0 Carouse 0 Diplomat 1 Drive 0 Gunner (Turrets) 1 Gun Combat (Slug Throwers) 1 Jack of All Trades 1 Leadership 1 Mechanic 0 Melee (Blade) 1 Pilot (Starship) 2 Stealth 1 Survival 1 Vacc Suit 1 Zero-G 0

Background: Wanting to see the stars, she applied for the Imperial Navy right after mandatory schooling was over. After a period of basic training she was impressive enough that she was placed on the Flight track. Her first duty was as a turret gunner in an armed shuttle, and she was good enough to keep herself and her crew out of trouble handily.

The warship she was stationed on spent several weeks ferrying diplomats to a major conference, teaching her quite a bit about the affairs of state.

Officer testing was difficult but she succeeded readily enough making her an Ensign. One unexpected side effect of this was the requirement of a sword worn with her dress uniform, which she was expected to learn well enough to not hurt anyone with it. She also went through basic officer training.

The newly minted Ensign Esikke continued her career, happy enough so far, especially as she was still in the Flight career path, though she would have been much happier piloting than working the turrets. Misfortune struck, however, when she was blamed for an accident that caused the deaths of several crew members. With difficulty, she managed to clear her name, though making an enemy of the Commander who blamed her - and who possessed enough power over her career to end it there.

At loose ends, and not yet feeling like returning home, she considered her options, looking eventually to the IISS as a chance to continue flying - and possibly to actually fly a ship herself. They were happy enough to have her, and she quickly mustered in. With much of her training already provided by the Navy, the Scouts gave her a quick course in Astrogation, and got her in service.

Wanting nothing so much as to fly her own ship, she applied for - and got - a position in the Exploration corps. Her tour past, for the most part, with only routine dangers to deal with, though a contact mission proved someone more interesting when she met another Imperial citizen among the tribe she was dealing with, and wound up with an ancient cutlass as a gift from the Headman of the tribe. The necessities of crew cross-training ensured that she got her wishto actually fly the scoutship.

Her work in the Scout service proved sufficient, if barely, for her to remain in service, if not quite sufficient to advance. Hoping that her second term in the Scout Service worked better for her than the Navy did, she focused on the skills relevant to exploration, and found more than a few situations where she had to quietly watch inhabitants on planet, or hide the ship from local sensors.

Surviving without major mishaps she helped survey an alien world, learning a lot about planetary survival. Advancement proved easier this time, and her increasing skill with EVAs and the suits needed for them gained her recognition as a true Scout. She took a little time for personal development, studying an astonishingly wide variety of subjects. Still, feeling the advancing years come upon her, Isara faced a choice. She could remain with the scouts, where she could pull some strings and hold back time for a while, or leave while she still had her full health. She chose to leave - though she knew full well that there are no actual retired Scouts.


Cloth Armour w/Smart Weave (1,500 Cr) Hand Comp/2 (700 Cr) Medikit TL10 (1,500 Cr) Snub Pistol (150 Cr)

Total Item cost: 3,850 Cr

Computer Databases:

Jeins Starships A comprehensive listing of all registered or recorded starship designs in known space, Jeins was started by a retiring Naval Tactical Officer with a love of design. As the popularity and demand for Jeins rose across the Imperium, the company began incorporating all the designs it could lay its hands on from declassified Imperial documents through to salvage reports on alien vessels. Now Jeins is a standard for the discerning starship-spotter as much as the technical specialist.

Targetted [Starship designs and schematics, some history, famous ships of that type] comprehensive(not an authority as there may be literally thousands of local variants), covers all of known space. cost 1000 x (4+6) = 10 000Cr, 11000 with the update option. Thanks. Sorry about the attitude, but I got frustrated.

AstrObs - Journal of Astronomical Observations within the Spinward Marches

For all Professional and die-hard amateurs, AstrObs is the most up to date listing of Astronomical events in the Imperium. In response to demand - and smaller transmission sizes - they're split out by Sector. The AstrObs Journal focuses on system-level events and larger events, such as Stars, Novas, Nebulae, etc.

(Broad [Astronomical data] covers the Spinward Marches, Comprehensive. Cost 250 * (6+6) = 3,000 Cr, 3,300 with subscription.)

Libris Astronomica - Planetary Information Newletter published by the TAS for general consumption. The Libris provides basic information on planets within known space - name, basic system information, current planetary government, if any, and primary imports / exports, if known.

(Broad [General planetary data] covers known space, General. Cost 1000 * (3 + 6) = 9,000 Cr. 9,900 Cr with subscription.)

Markes Mercantile - A compendium of trade and futures information for the Spinward Marches, kept as up to date as possible, but with the understanding that markets move faster than starships.

(Targeted Information (trades and futures) for the Spinward Marches. As authoritative as is possible. Cost 250 * (10 + 4) = 3,500 Cr 3,850 with subscription)

Salvaes Price Guide - Imperium wide price guide for salvaged parts. Usually pretty comprehensive, but local conditions make providing anything more than a range of prices foolhardy.

(Targeted Information - Starship parts most likely to be salvaged, Imperium wide, Comprehensive. Cost 500 * (4 + 8) Cr 6,000. No subscription - the Salvaes is re-issued every three years.

Biological Studies Newsletter, Known Planets of the Spinward Marches, IISS, Declassified. In a bid to help defray costs, the IISS, whenever information on planets is declassified, adds it to their newsletter, which is mostly available - at cost - to Scouts, but also to pilots for a small profit.

(Specialized Information - Declassified Biology studies of surveyed worlds - for the Spinward Marches. Cost 250 * (8 + 3) = 2,750 Cr.

Total Database Cost: 36,800 Cr

Total Cost: 40,650 Cr

Remaining Funds: 29,350 Cr