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Learned Jack Who Talks to Machines


Might 10

Speed 12

Intellect 16


Background: Born Lucky (Genetically Enhanced Intelligence)

Effort 1

Intellect Edge 1

Cypher Use (2 Cyphers)

Practiced with Light & Medium Weapons

Trained in Repairing

Trained in Knowledge of Numenera Trained in Knowledge of History Trained in Knowledge of Philosophy

Flex Skill

Inability: Charm, Persuasion or Etiquette

Trained in all tasks involving electrical machines. Enabler.

Distant Activation (1 Intellect): You can activate or deactivate any machine you can see within short range, even if normally you would have to touch or manually operate the device. To use this ability, you must understand the function of the machine, it must be your size or smaller, and it can’t be connected to another intelligence (or be intelligent itself). Action

Tricks of the Trade[edit]

Pierce (1 Speed Point, +1 Damage with Ranged Attack with sharp point) Practiced with Armor (Use any kind of armor, reduce Might and Speed cost by 2)


  • Clothing
  • Crank Crossbow and 12 Medium Bolts
  • Verred
  • Leather Jerkin
  • Explorer's Pack
  • Pack of Light Tools
  • Bag of Small Tools
  • Books on Numenera and History
  • Two Ciphers
  • One Oddity
  • 8 Shins


Isha was a student from a wealthy family who studied at the Asaranti University in Charmonde. He was accomplished in his studies, but underwent a strange experience with a piece of numenera, where he accidentally activated a spider-like automaton, which leapt at him and injected itself at the base of his neck, quickly becoming impossible to remove. Since then, Isha has been able to "talk" to machines, or at least hear them and exert a strange power over their function. At times, he feels like the implant is growing deeper into him, infiltrating him further, and he wonders if his thoughts are his own.

Having graduated, Isha travels and investigates strange ruins in sightings, in part out of fascination and desire to learn, in part to see if he can find out more about what happened to him.