Ivava PL12
Alternate Identity: IVANA BAUIL Group Affiliation: DV8 First Appearance: GEN13 miniseries#1 Power Level: 12 (195pp)
Str: 13 (+1) Dex: 17 (+3) Con: 15 (+2) Int: 20 (+5) Wis: 15 (+2) Cha: 16 (+3) Total: 36pp
Base Attack Bonus: 6 Melee: +9 Ranged: +9 Total: 18pp
Base Defense Bonus: 6 Adjusted Defense Bonus: +10 Initiative: +3
Cost: 12pp
SAVES Damage: +8 (toughness, amazing save+4) Fort: +2 Ref: +3 Will: +2
Powers: CYBERBODY+7 [weapon, extra: snare, extra: amazing save (damage)+4, power stunt: extended reach x2 (from CROOKS); cost: 29pp; source:science]
Total: 29pp
Booster drug +4 [boost (powers), extra: mind control, flaw: limited (gen-active power only), flaw: device, cost: 4pp, source: science]
Gun +5 [weapon, flaw: device, cost: 5pp, source: science]
total: 9pp
Connected, Tainted Network (from CROOKS), Leadership, Above the law (from CROOKS), Stoic (from CROOKS), Villain's Luck (from CROOKS), Startle, Point blank Shot, Wealth, Skill focus (cybernetics), minions, Attractive, Dodge, Assessment, Attack finesse, toughness, talented (bluff and sense motive), headquarters Cost: 32pp
Immunities: aging, disease, starvation, exhaustion, poison, critical hits, mental attacks (mental blast, mind control, telepathy) cost: 18pp
Bluff +8/+5 (attractive), computers +8, diplomacy +10/+7,(attractive), gather information +8/+5 (attractive), innuendo +5, intimidate +9, knowledge (SPB) +7, language +2, medicine +5, profession (security agency's director) +4, read lips +8, repair +8, science (cybernetics) +13, sense motive +6, taunt +5
Total: 41 pp
Weakness: 15PP
Moderate quirk: control obsession
Unusaul metabolism: can't heal. As a full body cyborg, she's not able to heal by herself. Her body must be repaired by someone.
Grand total: 195pp