
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 165 lb
Age: 28 years
Hair: Long, black, and unkempt
Eye Color: Dark brown (almost black)
Race: Human
Size: Medium
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Class: Necromancer(2)
Experience: 1514/3000
Capital Crime: Necromancy (+1 caster level for necromancy spells)
Combat statistics[edit]
Hit Points: 11/11
AC: 10
BAB: +1
Base speed: 30 ft.
Initiative: +0
Fort +1, Reflex +0, Will +1
Str 13 (+1) Dex 10 (0) Con 13 (+1) Int 18 (+4) Wis 7 (-2) Cha 14 (+2)
- Scribe Scroll [bonus feat]
- Spell Focus (necromancy) (( +1 to DC to resist spells cast from this school ))
- Magical Aptitude (( +2 bonus to Spellcraft and Use Magic Device skill checks ))
- Appraise(1) +5
- Bluff(1) +3
- Concentration(3) +4
- Craft(«unspecified»)(2) +6
- Disable Device(1) +5
- Intimidate(1) +3
- Knowledge(arcana)(2) +6
- Knowledge(geography)(1) +5
- Knowledge(history)(1) +5
- Knowledge(local)(1) +5
- Knowledge(the planes)(2) +6
- Linguistics(1) +5
- Perception(1) -1
- Sense Motive(1) -1
- Spellcraft(4) +10 (+12 involving necromancy)
- Stealth(1) +1
- Swim(1) +2
- Use Magic Device(1) +5
(( I am glad my high Int allows me to take cross-class skills! ))
Common, Draconic, Drow, Undercommon, Infernal, Abyssal
Spells currently prepared[edit]
Capital Crime: Necromancy (+1 caster level for necromancy spells)
0) Detect Magic, Disrupt Undead, Resistance, Resistance, Touch of Fatigue
1) Cause Fear, Jump, Mage Armor, Mage Armor
Class Features[edit]
- school specialization: Necromancy ((Ixe may prepare one extra spell of each level from this school))
- prohibited schools: Enchantment & Evocation ((Ixe may never cast spells of this school or use them from items))
- summon familiar: ((Ixe currently has no familiar, nor has he ever had one.))
Racial Features[edit]
- Human: +1 skill point at every level
- Weilded
- quarterstaff (dark wood with a shiny finish, bound with steel on the tips) [4lb]
- +1 attack, 1d6+1 damage. May be used as a double-weapon.
- quarterstaff (dark wood with a shiny finish, bound with steel on the tips) [4lb]
- Worn
- wizard's robe (fine black velvet, embroidered with silver stitching)
- light crossbow and 20 bolts [6lb]
- +0 attack, 1d8 damage. Range increment 80 feet.
- dagger 2gp [1lb]
- +1 attack, 1d4+1 damage. May be thrown, range increment 10 feet.
- Belt
- spell component pouch
- thieves' tools
- (2) waterskins [8lb, full]
- Belt pouch
- (2) flasks of acid [2lb]
- Thrown splash weapon: +0 attack, 1d6 Acid damage, 1 point splash damage.
- Backpack
- bedroll [5lb]
- (1) metal flask containing dangerous purple mold, bitingly cold to the touch
- spellbook [3lb]
- sunrod [1lb]
- 10 days worth of trail rations [10lb]
- (12) small black candles
- inkpen
- vial of ink, black
- (12) sheets of parchment
- (1) empty flask made of metal
- empty sack [½ lb]
- bedroll [5lb]
Navy blue leather grimoire: (( Contains all cantrips and first-level spells from the Player's Handbook ))
Ixe spent his adolescence in the idyllic town of «Town1». He was a very intelligent child, yet quiet, eccentric, and with few friends. His first real crush, the love of his life, was a young woman named Rebecca Forscythe. Ixe loved Rebecca dearly and spent much of his time writing her letters, drawing her picture, trying to touch her, and fantasizing about what it would be like to marry her. Rebecca thought Ixe was creepy, his presence unsettling, and found his attentions to be one step shy of stalking. When Rebecca later announced her engagement to a handsome lad named Roland, Ixe was devastated. Eventually, (after Roland threatened to publicly trounce him a couple of times), Ixe got it through his head, that it was not meant to be.
Ixe then journeyed to the nearby city of «Town2», where he became the apprentice of a foul master of necromancy named Zorhan. Zorhan was not a forthcoming instructor. Several times he threatened to feed Ixe to his ghouls if he did not leave, but Ixe prostrated himself so pathetically that eventually, the black wizard took him in. Still, Ixe's apprenticeship was about 10% study and 90% labor. When it was cold, Ixe split the firewood. When bodies were to be retrieved, Ixe was the one who did the digging. Zorhan taught Ixe the basics of the Dark Arts, but Ixe knew his master kept the most powerful knowledge from him.
Meanwhile, in «Town1», Rebecca was with child, and Roland was overjoyed. His joy soon turned to despair, however, as his beautiful wife suffered complications during labor. The skills of the town midwife and the most devout prayers of Pelor's acolyte were not sufficient to see her through. Tragically, Rebecca died in labor, leaving Roland to care for his newborn infant son by himself.
When Ixe learned of this, his mad fantasies of Rebecca took hold of him. He could not, he would not, let go of his desire for her. And now, he knew what he could do about it. Now was his chance! While Zorhan was away for a couple of days, (unwisely) leaving Ixe to guard their keep, Ixe stole from his master a vial of oil of animate dead, and made haste to the lady's grave-site. He worked feverishly through the night, driven on by desire and anticipation. It was not difficult; the dirt had not yet settled on the fresh grave. When at last Rebecca's body was unearthed, Ixe was relieved to find that she was still in excellent condition! He hastily applied the oil to her curvaceous body, taking care not to ruin the fine clothing she had been buried in. Commanding her to accompany him, he helped her out of the hole in the earth, quickly changed from his mud-smeared robe into a stylish tunic and breeches he had brought with him, and hailed a passing coach, giving the driver two silver coins to take him and his “lady friend” to the hamlet a mile or so down the road, to spend the night in the inn. Once there, he rented them one of the finest suites, and ordered that a hot, perfumed, private bath be made ready for them at once. (To warm his “beloved” up to body temperature, of course.)
When the morning came, and Roland found that his late wife's grave had been unearthed just days after her death, he howled with anguish. Who could have done such a horrid thing, and for what purpose?!? Promptly the priests of Pelor were summoned, and, as the facts of this heinous crime became clear, Sir Balin the Inquisitor was called upon. It was not difficult to follow the two sets of tracks to the nearby road, nor to locate the cab driver, who had in truth been horrified by the presence of the disturbed wizard and his “corpse bride”. The Inquisitor and the other Priests converged upon the Inn in question, surrounded the lovers' suite, and kicked in the door, catching Ixe right in the act of fulfilling his perverse fantasies with his “Little Dead Becky”.
When Sir Balin demanded to know what Ixe was doing naked, in a tub of water, with another man's dead wife, he replied: “It's not my fault; she was like that when I found her!”