Jack Frost
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Miles Hawson/Jack Frost[edit]
Male Donkey Student and Rookie Ice Hero
- Agility: d6
- Smarts: d6
- Spirit: d8
- Strength: d6
- Vigor: d8
Derived Attributes
- Rank: Novice
- Bennies: 3
- Parry: 5
- Toughness: 6
- Pace: 6
- Melee - Unarmed d6+1, Damage 1d6+1d4
- Ranged - N/A
- Mild Mannered (Minor)
- Hesitant (Minor)
- Heroic (Major)
- (Racial) Vigor d6
- Arcane Background (Gifted)
- Martial Artist
- Unarmed Fighting +1; fists and hooves count as Natural Weapons; add d4 damage die to unarmed Fighting attacks (or increase die a step if already possessed).
- Academics: d4
- Athletics: d6
- Battle:
- Boating:
- C. Knowledge d6
- Driving:
- Electronics:
- Faith:
- Fighting: d6
- Focus: d8
- Gambling:
- Hacking:
- Healing:
- Intimidation:
- Language (Native): d8
- Language:
- Notice: d6
- Occult:
- Performance: d6
- Persuasion: d8
- Piloting:
- Psionics:
- Repair:
- Research: d6
- Riding:
- Science:
- Shooting:
- Spellcasting:
- Stealth: d4
- Survival:
- Taunt:
- Thievery:
- Weird Science:
- Frost Guard (Protection, 1): d8-1, Range 16", Duration 5 rounds, +2 Armor (+4 with a raise)
- Multi-Guard (+1): Can protect others. d8-1 for one other, -1 per each additional two.
- Frost Armor (+1): d8-1, +4 Armor (+6 with a raise)
- Impenetrable Ice (+1): d8-1, provides Toughness instead of Armor
- Slick Guard (+1): d8-1, also increases Pace by 2
- Combo two or three +1 options for d8-2, combo all four +1 options for d8-3
- Ice Wall (Barrier, 2): d8-1, Range 16", Duration 5 rounds, creates immobile straight wall 5" long and 1" tall with Hardness 10
- Icicle Wall (+1): d8-2, barrier causes 2d4 damage to anyone who contacts it
- Hardened (+1): d8-2, barrier has Hardness 12
- Shaped (+2): d8-2, barrier is of desired basic shape
- Size (+1): d8-2, barrier becomes 10" long and 2" tall
- Combo two +1s for d8-2, Combo one or two +1s and a +2 for d8-3, Combo all 4 options for d8-4
Gear (WIP)
- Gear1
- Gear2
- Gear3
- Gear4
- Gear5
- $300