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Tall and spare, like the meat has all been worn away by dust storms. A stern face - no matter what, he looks like he disapproves of whatever he's looking at. His eyes are sharp like the razor he carries, peeling back the skin and looking for weak spots. His clothes are forgettable: faded and worn, no sign of his status except in his bearing.


Cool +1

Hard +2

Hot +1

Sharp +1

Weird -2


  • Leadership: when your gang fights for you, roll+hard. On a 10+, hold 3. On a 7–9, hold 1. Over the course of the fight, spend your hold 1 for 1 to make your gang:
    • make a hard advance
    • stand strong against a hard advance
    • make an organized retreat
    • show mercy to their defeated enemies
    • fight and die to the last
On a miss, your gang turns on you or tries to hand you over to your enemy.
  • Wealth: If your hold is secure and your rule unchallenged, at the beginning of the session, roll+hard. On a 10+, you have surplus at hand and available for the needs of the session. On a 7–9, you have surplus, but choose 1 want. On a miss, or if your hold is compromised or your rule contested, your hold is in want. The precise values of your surplus and want depend on your holding.


"You can have, for your personal use, with the MC’s approval, a few pieces of non-specialized gear or weapons from any character playbook." The Hole's a dangerous place, so I'd like a 9mm (2-harm close loud) and a concealed vest worth 1-armor. Oh, and his straight razor. Call it 1-harm hand, I can't see it being as good as a big knife.

Hardhold: Jackson's Hole[edit]

  • large population: 200-300 souls (surplus: +1barter, want: +disease)
  • gigs: hunting, crude farming, scavenging (surplus: +1barter, want: +hungry)
  • manufactory (surplus: +1barter, want: +idle)
  • deep and mighty compound (+2 armor when defending)
  • armory of scavenged and makeshift weapons
  • gang of 60 fucking hyenas: (3-harm gang large unruly savage 1-armor)
  • owes protection tribute: (-1 barter, +reprisals)

Totals: surplus: 2-barter, wants: +hungry, +idle, +disease, +reprisals, +savagery

The Hole is a mining/manufacturing outpost largely consisting of a maze of claustrophobic underground tunnels dug into the martian soil. Jackson teeters at the top of a barely balanced pyramid of power, playing internal rival gang leaders off against each other to keep the place protected. (The protection tribute? That's buying off whatever element of the unruly gang is pissed off at him this week.) The recent arrival of the Rust Dogs has thrown things off balance - if he's lucky and good enough he can use that to solidify his control and get rid of some of the worst troublemakers.


  • Doberman: Hx +3
  • Ice: Hx +1
  • Schneider: Hx +1


X X X X X   -   [unspent]
