Jacqueline Suzanne Carter

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Jacqueline Suzanne Carter
First Episode Game 00
Concept Art Student-Adventurer
Theme Song TBD
Played By Sophie Marceau
Full Name Jacqueline Suzanne Carter
Legal Status No Criminal Record
Known Aliases N/A
Age 18
Birthplace San Francisco, California
Favored Weapon Varies

Character Sheet[edit]

All her character statistics are listed below.

Character Description
--- --- --- --- --- ---
Player Maer Nationality American Childhood Student
Social Class Middle Age/Gender 18 F Vocation Artist
Race Human Build 5'-9" 141 lbs. Personality Seeker
Rank -- Hair/Eyes Dark Brown on Brown Social Ethics Her own

Attribute Level Attribute Level
Strength 1 Presence 1
Dexterity 2 Wits 2
Fortitude 2 Resolve 2
Attribute Advance :
4 x new level
Attribute Cap 4

Experience, Rank, Health and Sanity
--- --- --- --- --- ---
Experience Points 05/05 (22 Sep 2018) Rank 02 Ranking Points 02 (22 Sep 2018)
Health (4 dice) 08 pts : (x) O O O O O O O O O Fate Points 13 (of 14; 2.5 dice) Mana 6 (normal lifeforce)
Sanity 85 (10 = [5 x Pres] + 5 pts bonus) Skill Cap 4 Talent Cap 4

Derived Attributes
Action Attributes Result Action Attribute Result
Initiative Dex + Wis + Per 7 Movement 5 + Dex in yds/rnd 7
Sneak (5 + Dex/2) 4 Run (5 + Dex) x 3 21
Swim (5 + Dex) 7 Leap Horizontal (1 + Dex) 3
Jump Vertical (0.5 x H. Leap) 3.5

Common Skills
Skill Attribute Level Total Dice Pool Skill Attribute Level Total Dice Pool
Act (Prs) 1 2 Firearms (Dex) 3 5
Athletics (Dex) 1 3 Fisticuffs (Dex) 2 4
Blunt Weapon (Dex) 0 2 General Knowledge (Wit) 1 3
Bull (Prs) 2 3 Hide & Sneak (Dex) 2 3
Charm (Prs) 1 2 Horse Riding (Dex) 2 4
Conceal (Wit) 1 3 Improvised Weapon (Dex) 1 3
Concentration (Res) 2 4 Intimidate (Prs) or (Str) 0 2 or 2
Dance* (Dex) 1 3 Might (Str) 01 3
Dodge (Dex) 2 4 Perception (Wit) 3 5
Drive Carriage (Wit) 1 3 Streetwise* (Prs) 0 1
Empathy (Prs) 1 2 Swordplay (Dex) 0 2
Etiquette* (Wit) 1 3 Throwing (Dex) 2 4
Skill Advance = 1 x new level
 * Special Class modifier usually applies Skill Cap 4

Specialties and Talents
Specialties Attribute Level Total Dice Pool Talents (Cost)/Total Spent Level Benefits
Art: Painting/Drawing (Dex or Wits) 2 5 or 5 Iron Will* 3 --
Sleight of Hand (Dex) 3 7 Marksman* 5 --
Quick Draw* 3 --
Specialty Advance New: 4pts = 0, Old: 1 x new Talent Advance 2x Char Pt cost Talent Cap 7
 * Can be taken more than once

Complications and Contacts, Privileges and Assets
Complications (Cost) Contacts (Cost) Privileges (P) and Assets (A) Cost Spent Description
Foreigner (3) -- (--) Income, Upper (A) p.152 2 --
-- -- (--) Fashionable City Flat (A) p.151 2 (1/2) Half the cost, going halves with Maria
-- -- (--) Wardrobe (A) p.154 3 -- No matter what, I am impeccably turned out
-- -- (--) Higher Station (P) p.147 3 -- I can pass for 1 class higher
-- -- (--) Society Friends (P) p.150 -- I gain connections and invites to all the right parties; difficulties in Fashion Rolls 1 level less at GM's discretion

Weapons and Armmor
Weapon Owned? Y/N Skill Dmg Dice ROF Shots Reload Range Notes
Colt 1851 model Y Firearms (Dex) 10 1 6 5 30 Yds Provenance TBD
Knife, throwing Y Throwing (Dex) 4 2 1 0 12 Yds Special ATK: Throw
Rock, thrown Y Throwing (Dex) 4 2 1 0 10 Yds Special ATK: Throw
Off Hand Penalty – Difficulty Level +1 Level higher. P. 203

Unarmed vs. Armed = (p. 203)
Multiple Actions = Dice pool / # of Actions; rolled per action. i.e. If normally 6 dice pool but 2 actions, roll ea. Action with 3 dice pool.

Armor Owned? Y/N Armor Dice Notes
Corset, lined Y 1 AC 2
Leather Coat, lined Y 1 AC 4
Smart Leather Hat Y 1 AC ?


Physical Description[edit]

Psychological Profile[edit]

Of Light & Shadow, a personal memoir[edit]

Allies & Adversaries[edit]


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