Jak Hax

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Gender: Male
Race: Spiker
Class: Binder 3/Warmage 1
Alignment: Chaotic Good

(Stats when bound with Paimon are in Bold.

Str 10 -- (2 pts)
Dex 16 -- (10 pts) ([color=Red]20[/color])
Con 14 -- (4 pts)
Int 10 -- (2 pts)
Wis 10 -- (2 pts)
Cha 16 -- (8 pts) +1 for 4th level

Hit Points: 26 (9+7+5+5)
AC: 20/23, Touch: 13/15, Flat: 17/23
Init: +3/+5
BAB: +2, Grap: +2
Speed: 30
Fort +4, Ref +4/+6, Will +5

+2/+8 Melee, Masterwork Rapier, 1d6, 18-20/x2, Piercing
+5/+7 Ranged, Shortbow, 1d6 20

Languages: Common

Trained Skills:
+10 Bluff (7 Ranks +3 Chr)
+7 Knowledge (The Planes) (7 Ranks)
+10 Tumble (0 Ranks, +5 Dex, +4 Paimon, +2 Boots)

- Weapon Proficiency: Armor/Skin Spikes (1st level, Spiker bonus)
- Improved Binding (1st Level) (Tome of Magic)
- Expel Vestige (2nd Level)
- Ignore Special Requirements (4th Level)

Spiker Traits
- 60' Darkvision
- +1 Natural Armor
- DR 2/Bludgeoning
- Acid Resistance: 5
- Natural Spikes: Spikers are treated as though they are equipped with Armor Spikes at all times. Maximum Dex bonus is reduced by one, and armor check penalty increased by 2, for all armor worn.

Binder Abilities
- Soul Binding (Su): Jak may currently bind one Vestige at a time.
- Suppress Sign (Ex): After making a good pact, Jak may conceal or reveal the physical sign(s) of a vestige as a Swift action.
- Pact Augmentation (Su): After binding a Vestige, Jak may choose one of the following abilities: +1 Insight bonus to AC, attack, save, or damage rolls, +2 Insight bonus to initiative, DR 1/-, +5 hit points, or Energy Resistance 5 (to Cold, Acid, Electricity, Fire, or Sonic).

Warmage Abilities
- Armored Mage (Ex): Jak may wear up light armor without incurring a risk of spell failure when casting Warmage spells.
- Warmage Edge (Ex): Any Warmage spells cast by Jak have his Intelligence bonus added to their damage.

- Masterwork Rapier (300 GP)
- Mithril Shirt +1 (2100 GP)
- Buckler (15 GP)
- Acrobat Boots (900 GP, [I]MIC[/I] 67)
- Crystal of Return (300 GP, [I]MIC[/I] 65)
- Healing Belt (750 GP, [I]MIC[/I] 110)
- Potion of Barkskin +2 (300 GP)
- (2) Oil of Magic Weapon (100 GP)
- (2) Potion of Shield of Faith +2 (100 GP)
- Cat's Grace (300 GP)
- 240 GP remaining

One can grow tired of anything, given time. Even war, strange though that may sound. Not battle, you understand! Not conflict, not struggle...that's how you know you're alive, by testing yourself against a worthy foe. Ideally with a strong drink in one hand and a sharp sword in the other.

But war? War is...it's...well, it's boring, really. Have you ever been to Acheron? Ranks, and files, and marching, and spending eternity taking orders from some devil with his head lodged firmly up his superior officer's arse...it wasn't for me, and neither were the random acts of cruelty. Especially those perpatrated against me.

When I stumbled -- all too literally, I'm afraid -- across an unsecured Planar Gate, I did what any self-respecting fighting-man would do, and deserted without even a moment's hesitation. I had my sword, I had my Book of Names Best Left Forgotten, and I had enough liquor to dull the pang of any lingering regrets.

Had I known that I'd spend the better part of the next decade running from World to World, with a pack of devils who really must -- let's be honest, now -- have had better things to do on my heels all the way...well, maybe I wouldn't have been so hasty. But, oh! The sights that I've seen, the things that I've killed, the liquids that I've imbibed! It's been worth it, friend, a thousand times over.

It's all been much more pleasant since I tripped -- again, literally, and it's a funny story, I swear, I'll have to tell you sometime -- over Anaximander on a fine day a few years back, and accepted his fine offer. More of a threat than an offer, really, but even so...I'm sure that it was kindly meant, in the end. I've almost entirely worked off my debt to him, in point of fact.