Jan Tillsen
Job Description[edit]
Director of Government Consultation and Charitable Aid
The Director of Government Consultation and Charitable Aid is responsible for a dual portfolio. First, he maintains relationships and arranges contracts with governments, both foreign and domestic, in a wide variety of areas, including construction, maintenance and clean-up, but explicitly not defense. Through the files maintained by the Director of Programs' office, he matches consultants with work most fitting to their particular skills and coordinates their schedules and work efforts for maximum efficiency. He is responsible for supervising those efforts through contact and, where possible, on-site visitations.
Second, he coordinates the Foundation's charitable donations, both financial and physical. This involves assessing external need and working with the the Director of Finance and the Director of Programs to determine the Foundation's ability to provide. With the aid recipient, he works out a strategy for maximum utilization of the Foundation's resources and provides them with guidance throughout the process including, when possible, on-site visitation. In cases of physical intervention, he maintains close contact with the Foundation's field leaders to be sure that activities are on-target for the time and resources budgeted for that intervention.