Jean Zurkonzy

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Jean Zurkonzy, Arch-militant [Augmenticist] Noble Born, Vaunted, Duty bound to Dynasty, Product of Upbringing-New Blood, Pride, Of Extensive Means-Born to Wealth

WS BS S T Ag Int Per WP Fel
46 59 40 42 57 41 31 34 51

Movement: 5/10/15/30
Wounds: 9
Corruption Points:2
Insanity Points: 0
Fate Points: 3
PF: 5


Acrobatics +10, Awareness +20, Command +10, Common Lore (War), Dodge +20, Drive (Ground Vehicle), Forbidden Lore (Pirates), Interrogation +10, Intimidate +10, Literacy, Medicae, Scholastic Lore (Tactica Imperialis), Secret Tongue (Military, Rogue Trader), Speak Language (High Gothic, Low Gothic)


Basic Weapon Training (Las, Launcher, Melta, Plasma, SP, Bolt), Pistol Weapon Training (Las, Launcher, Melta, Plasma, SP, Bolt), Melee Weapon Training (Chain, Shock, Power), Decadence, Peer (Nobility, Mercantile), Rival (Rogue Trader, Nobility), Ambidextrous, Quick Draw, Catfall, Leap up, Rapid reload, Two-Weapon Wielder (Ballistic), True Grit, Flame Weapon Training, Binary Chatter, Prosanguine, Physical Perfection x3, Deadeye shot, Hip Shooting, Dual Shot

Bionic Talents: Total Recall, Bulging Biceps, Iron Jaw, Autosanguine, Sprint, Heightened Sense: (Sight), Heightened Sense (Hearing)


Etiquette, Vendetta, Weapon Master (Basic), Dark Sight

Advances Ws Int, BS Exp, S Sim, T Sim, Ag Tra, Fel Sim


GQ Mesh Combat Cloak (Arms 6, Body 7, Head 5, Legs 8) Conversion Field (Locke) Holo-Suit


GQ Belasco Dueling Pistol (22.5m; S/-/-; 1d10+5 E; Pen 4; Clip 0; Reload Full; Accurate, Compact) Hot-shot clip. In BQ Concealed Holster.

2 Storm Bolters(Mars) (45m; S/2/4; 1d10+4 X; Pen 4; Clip 30; Reload Full; Storm, Tearing, Compact, Fire Selector, Vox Operated, Exterminator Cartridge, Red-dot Sight), Backpack Ammo Pack 200 rounds of Organgrinder Ammo. Each also has single clip of Acid Shells and Temptest Shells.

GQ Solo Boltgun (100m; S/-/-; 1d10+5 X; Pen 4; Clip 8; Reload Full; Accurate, Tearing, Reliable, Fire Selector, Vox Operated, Telescopic Sight) Organgrinder, Inferno, Tempest clips.

Harlequin's Kiss (1d10+13 R; Pen 10; Tearing)
GQ Power Blade (1d10+8 E; Pen 6; Power Field, +5WS) in BQ Concealed Holster
BQ Shock Knuckles (1d10+6 I; Pen 0; Shocking, +10WS)

Grenades: Frag (2), Krak (2), Blind (2), Filament, Haywire

==Gear== BQ Shimmer cloth clothing, Medikit, 2 BQ Concealed Holsters, BQ Skinplant (Heavy Flamer, Nephium Fuel Tank, BQ Sniper Rifle, Expander Rounds)--not generally carried

==Bionics/Implants== BQ Bionic Left Arm (Good) with integrated Recoil Glove, BQ Bionic Right Arm (Good) with integrated Recoil Glove, BQ Bionic Locomotion (Good), GQ Bionic Respiratory System (Good), GQ Cybernetic Senses (Sight: Heightened Senses, integrated GQ Photo-visor) (Hearing: Heightened Senses, integrated Vox Implant) , GQ Bionic Heart, BQ Cranial Armor, GQ Memorance Implant, GQ Subskin Armor, GQ Blackbone Bracing, BQ Gastral Bionics, GQ Pain Ward, GQ Vitae Supplement


Nobles: The Zurkonzy family has just started, with Jean being in the third generation. The family arose on Sinophia, somehow finding a source of wealth on that benighted world. This enabled them to purchase a warrant of trade, and their fortunes of increased exponentially. This was not without consequences, as the other older, entrenched and rotting noble families on Sinophia were jealous and resentful, none moreso than the Sinos family, the drab descendants of the founder of the world. Zurkonzy's rise has given a spark to the Sinos family that has not been there in centuries as they channel their resources, both wealth and contacts, into an effort to bring the upstarts down.

Rogue Trader: Russ Gullar runs with a scurvy outlaw crew. Jean made a small fortune bringing in some of his crew on one layover. Enraged he sent out a small strike force of heavily armed rogues. The battle wreck a small portion of Footfall, and she was left for dead. However she didn't die, and came back with several implants and bionics. Russ still want her dead, and the feeling is mutual.