Jefferey Lexington

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  • Height: Average (5 feet 11)
  • Weight: Above average (180 lbs)
  • Looks: Plain
  • Name: Jefferey Lexington
  • Sex: Every day (He's 17, what do you want?)
  • Gender: Male

  • Athletic 3
  • Charismatic 3
  • Combative 4
  • Communicative 3
  • Esthetic 2
  • Mechanical 2
  • Natural 2
  • Scientific 3
  • 17 yo, Post-ruin origin (I guess only this column counts, doesn't it?)
  • Wit 4, Will 4, Str 4, Hlt 6, Dft 5, Spd 6, dev points spent

Derived: DR 6 Load 16 Movement: 1, 2, 3, or 1.8, depending on how we round them.

Skills: Climbing 1 Survival [Rural]1, [urban] 1/2 Notice [rural]1, [urban] 1/2 Brawling 1, Evade 2 Single weapon 1 Throwing 1 Carouse/converse 1 Post ruin culture 1 subculture[local]2 martial Arts 2 Knife 1 Hurled stick 1 Foraging 1 Hunting (shoot) 1 Tracking (rural) 1 [urban?] 1/2 Tech use: 1/2 First aid:1 Swim: 1 Stealth(rural): 3 [urban] 3/2 Running 1 Acrobatics 1/2 Local Creole 1/2 Koori 1/2 Island pidgin 1/2 Indonesian 1/2 Literacy 1/2 Firearm 1/2 Writing 1/2 Gambling 1/2 Bribery 1/2 Instruction1/2 Decwption 1 Persuasion 1 Intimidation 1 Bio: Being born 9 months after the Ruin ain't exactly easy. Especially not when you acquire a totem as a consequence! Sure, a totem has it perks. Being able to predict where a guy would move was useful, sure. The Knights seemed to count on a guy with one both to carry messages, and to deliver them when the delivery itself wasn't exactly easy. And an older woman taught him how to move in unpredicatble ways, surprising stronger opponents, and remainign unseen. For his part, her husband taught him to throw a stick in the native style, how to use a knife, and how to survive the desert. He learned a lot from her and her husband, both good masters of their own styles. More importantly they taught him to be humble. Which was probably as important as all the other lessons combined, or a young boy's head might start turning when he discovers a totem animal has chosen him. They taught the totem seldom chooses you to make your life easier, abd helped him get over the disappointment. The knights taught him other skills that made his life easier. The boy wasn't too keen on studying anything to do with advanced technologies, but he studied first aid, and was always helpful in negotiations and in salvage and rescue operations. He wasn't afraid of a scrap, had a way with some of the natives, and spoke several languages - well, knew the basics, anyway. All in all, it was considered likely for him to become a good Knight when he grows up - or at least an auxiliary, as some Knights called such people. He didn't seem to object to the idea, when he spoke at all., And then all hell broke loose, and plans went out the window!

Changes, me likes! Spirit of Place: Since you were born, you could see things other people couldn't. How people and places and feelings and actions fit together. Old man came to you in dreams when you were little, told you how to be who you really are. He showed you your spirit and your totem...goanna, who marked your skin and made it glow when you think the right way. Even though the dreams went away as you got older, you still remember old man.

ESP: Group sense, Combat sense and Clairsentience at full effect. Group sense also works 'outside' immediate group sense less direct connections as well. Combat sense is offensive as well as can 'read' your opponents defences as well as attacks. Clairsentience can be triggered by 'retrocognition' in an area or of an object with strong emotional resonance.

Your skin has the intricate patterning of a goanna [ you may choose your preferred type]. It can be blended to fit the background you are in to some extent, with concious ESP 'effort'.

Psychokinesis, lesser. Put the eye on things. as you got older, you found you could do a little more with how everything fits together. After a while you could put your eye of the world into other things, causing some pretty shocking reactions. Psychic lock. Temporarily freeze the muscle responses of a living being. Break. Apply the equivaelnt of crushing damage to an object. Write. Make words or pictures appear out of steam, rust, sand, etc.

Other signs of your totem came out as you got older. Limb mod. You have small claws where your nails should be. They're not enough to climb with or fight, but they can scratch and give +1 to any action involving gripping.

Features. Your eyes are golden and the pupil is not quite round. Hair. You have close growing black hair that runs down your spine from your head. Your forearms and lower legs also share this phenomena. Musculo-skeletal. You are fine boned and lean with it. You have long, fine fingers and toes and your limbs and torso are slightly longer than normal. Add +5 to your height roll, but it does not effect weight/bulk.

Lex's gear Pre-ruin Knapsack Beaten copper tin w100 post ruin lucifers [matches] Working post ruin alcohol lighter. A pencil A rabbit trap [humane, collapsable] An old pair of reading glasses [x 2] Post ruin copper and oil compass. Post ruin filleting/camping knife. Post Ruin Waterskin [Cows stomach, oiled.] A woolen blanket w'space blanket lining & waterproof groundsheet. Pouch of marijuana w 50 post ruin papers. [sealed]

Clothes*: 23 Field Drabs. Post ruin dyed hemp fatigues and 6'scarf/headband. Leather boots. Webbing belt. 2 complete sets of post ruin basics socks, undies, etc. [all cloth]

Armour: A pair of polarising goggles. Ballistic Vest [type II synthsilk] Urbanwear Synthiplast boots [knee high]

Combat skills: 1d20 for each. Brawling Homemade copper knuckledusters. Single weapon A reproduction Gladius. Throwing 3 he grenades. martial Arts rigiplast gloves Knife The most evil post ruin bayonet ever seen. titanium alloy, hand made [?] Hurled stick 3 razorangs [Polycarbon molecule edged] Firearm A post ruin 12 guage pump action sawn off shotgun [3 rounds]. you have a bandolier with 16 rounds of 00 buck.

Technical skills that require tools: 1d20 each Tech Use* A laserdisc recorder w 3 spare discs [3xAA eternabatteries] Gambling Two decks of unopened cards

Any skill at level three: 1d20 each Stealth Rural. A near IR dispersal lining for fatigues and hood.

One item to be added..