Jessamine Singh
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Jessamine Singh
- + Born in San Francisco to a local grocer and a Punjabi academic fleeing the colonial activities of Britain
- + Fell in with the nascent labor movement, becoming a local organizer, though never much interested in (and occasionally frustrated by) the finer intellectual distinctions and divisions that comprised the movement.
- + Shot to death by Triad thugs after being discovered trying to help local dockworkers unionize. Fished herself out of San Francisco bay with two high-caliber pistol wounds in her heart and back that refuse to heal, and a demon in her brain.
- + Left her hometown to wander the Iron Dragon, helping the needy (though she still favors the working class) and trying to keep herself sane.
Greatest Fear: She lost control over her manitou shortly after coming back from the dead, and was forced to witness its various atrocities. The less said about them, the better, but they're the reason she left SF, and she'll do anything to never have it happen again.
- Agility d6
- Smarts d4
- Spirit d10
- Strength d4
- Vigor d12
- Pace: 6
- Parry: 4
- Size: 0
- Toughness: 8 (10* Armored)
- Dominion: 6
- Driven (Pro-Labor Activism) (Minor)
- Poverty (Minor)
- Heroic (Major)
- .Athletics d6
- .Common Knowledge d4
- .Notice d4
- .Persuasion d10
- .Stealth d6
- Fighting d4
- Occult d4
- Intimidate d10
- Shooting d4
- Harrowed (+2 to Toughness and Spirit rolls to recover from Shaken, ignore additional damage from Called Shots except to the head, ignore 1 point of Wound penalties, doesn’t breathe, immune to disease and poison, doesn’t Bleed Out, and is only permanently slain by destroying the brain.)
- Supernatural Attribute (Spirit) (+2 Die Type to Spirit, noted above)
- Bolster (When this character Tests a foe, she may also remove distracted/vulnerable from one of her allies)
- N: Death Mask (Spend an action to remove Harrowed's Persuasion penalty and generally look alive. If stunned, shaken, or wounded, make a Spirit roll at -2 to keep it active.)
- N: Work the Room (1/Turn, you can roll an additional skill die when Supporting with Persuasion. This die Supports any other ally's next action)
- N: Supernatural Attribute (Vigor) (+2 Die Type to Vigor, noted above)
- S: Rabble Rouser (1/Turn, you can Intimidate all enemies in a medium blast template, as long as they can see/hear you. Each resists/is affected seperately)
-35 Sawn-Off Double Barrel
-04 40x Shotgun Shells
-48 2xGhost-Steel Bowie Knives in 2 sheaths on a bandolier (purchased as gun belt + 2 holsters?)
-100 Armored Vest
-18 20 Cigars, 4 Bottles of Baijiu, Box of Matches and a Deck of Cards, Backpack, Bedroll, Mess Kit, Shotgun Thong
-19 Stetson, Boots, 2x Work Shirt and Trousers
-1 Around 7 Pounds O' Bacon
25$ Remaining