Jet PL9

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Alternate Identity: Jody Morinaka SLAYTON aka CRIMSON Group Affiliation: WILDCORE First Appearance: Power Level: 9 (135pp)

Str: 13 (+1) Dex: 17 (+7, super dexterity +4) Con: 15 (+2) Int: 14 (+2) Wis: 13 (+0) Cha: 15 (+2) Total: 27pp

Base Attack Bonus: 6 Melee: +9 Ranged: +9 Total: 18 pp

Base Defense Bonus: 6 Adjusted Defense Bonus: +20 Initiative: + 12

Cost: 12pp

SAVES Damage: +2/+12 (evasion) Fort: +2 Ref: + 12 (improved reflexes) Will: +1


Super Speed +5[extra: superdexterity +4, cost: 40pp; source: mutation (daughter of a mutated alien half-breed )]

Total: 42pp


Shuriken+2[multifire, uses, cost 2pp, source: science] Cool, Ninja style


Attack finesse, Attractive, dodge, Evasion, Rapid Strike, Instand Stand, Throwing mastery, Move by Attack, Identity Change (Spiderman's style), We don't know yet if she have the aging immunity, only future will confirm it. Cost: 18pp

Skills: Acrobatics +11 , Balance +8, Bluff +7/+4 (attractive), computers +3, diplomacy +7/+4 (attractive), Hide +8, Intimidate +3, jump +2, move silently +8, open lock +8, taunt +5. Total: 18 pp

Grand total: 135pp