Johann Holder

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Johann Holder

Played by John Malkovich


Career: Tradesman (Bowyer)

Hair: Light Brown

Eyes: Blue

Height & Weight: 5'11", 145

Marks: Wart on forehead

Birthplace: Bogenhafen, Reikland

Sign: Waymund

WS: 33

BS: 40

S: 27

T: 31 (Shallya's Mercy)

Ag: 43 (Free Advance)

Int: 41 (Savvy)

WP: 27

Fel: 35 (1 Advance)


A: 1

W: 13

SB: 2

TB: 3

M: 4

FP: 3

Current Experience: 80


Mimic (+10 to Perform, verbal Disguise, Speak Language when passing for a native)

Savvy (+5 Int)

Dealmaker (+10 to Haggle and Evaluate)


Common Knowledge (the Empire) (Int)

Drive (Str)

Evaluate (Int)

Gossip (+10 ) (Fel)

Haggle (Fel)

Perception (Int)

Read & Write (Int)

Secret Language (Guild) (Int)

Speak Language (Reikspeil) (Int)

Trade (Gemcutter) (Ag)

Trade (Bowyer) (Ag)


Light Armor, a pouch with 11 gc, clothes, a dagger, wooden tankard and cutlery, a sword, a bow, good clothing.


Johann Holder was born the 3rd of four children to a prosperous merchant in Bogenhafen. He always dreamed of making a great success in the capital, and finally prevailed upon his father to use his connections to secure a good position as apprentice to one of the better gemcutters in Altdorf. Johann did well with the crafting, but he chafed under the supervision of his master, and was annoyed at the arrogance of Altdorfers who teased him as a rustic. His quick wits led him to make too many sharp rejoinders to a stupid wealthy client who didn't understand why a gem would get smaller as one cut it, and a sharp rejoinder to his master after that, and finally a good thrashing. No one in the gemcutting community would have him after that, but he managed to get taken on as a bowyer, where the manners are rougher and a man with an eye for clockwork is always welcome. Starting over in his second trade has been hard for him, and he often resents the fact that he is still a journeyman at an age where he might have been making his masterwork, had he remained a gemcutter.

Johann has learned a few things from his unhappy youth, however, and one of them is tact -- he spends a great deal of time and his disposable income trying to get ahead in guild circles and gain influence and speed his ascent. It was, in fact, the need for funds to support this that led him to follow up on a casual tavern conversation he'd had with Otto. He had high hopes of riches as Otto's connection in Altdorf, but market conditions have been bad lately. Johann is always one to seize the main chance, however, and he's looking for other opportunities. He desperately wants to show up Meister Hochmann, who had him whipped and thrown out of his shop, and wants to prove to his family that he wasn't a fool for going to Altdorf. He's also concluded that with enough money and power, people will overlook almost any defect of character, upbringing, or physique.