John Dragon |
Jonathan Wang is a young and ambitious actor with a very unique ancentral history. His ancestors were the keepers of the mystical Dragon Armor, which selects its next next owner based on bloodline.
Several years ago, enemies of the Wang family sought to wipe out their entire family to prevent anyone from inheriting the Dragon Armor again. With the Dragon Armor user out of their way, they would finally be able to put their plans in motion without opposition.
However, Jonathan was saved by the family's maid and brought to (city that this campaign takes place in). Year later, when threatened by (another enemy group in this city), the mystical Dragon Armor materialized before him as a magical belt, which allows him to transform into an armored warrior with superhuman abilities.
Now, under the guise of JOHN DRAGON, Jonathan fights crime!
Character Sheet[edit]
PL10 - 150pp
STR 12 (+1)
DEX 14 (+2)
CON 12 (+1)
INT 10
WIS 10
CHA 16 (+3)
Init: +2+4=+6
Attack: 2 [4]
Defense: 2+3 = 5 [4]
Tough: 0+1+3 = +4
Fort: 4+1 = +5 [4]
Refl: 5+2 = +7 [5]
Will: 3+0 = +3 [3]
Acrobatics 10+2 = 12
Bluff 10+3 = 13
Climb 4+2 = 6
Computers 4+0 = 4
Concentration 4+0 = 4
Diplomacy 10+3 = 13
Drive 8+2 = 10
Escape Artist 4+2 = 6
Gather Information 6+3 = 9
Investigate 4+0 = 4
Knowledge (Art) 8+0 = 8
Language (Native: Chinese, English, German, French, Japanese) 4
Notice 8+0 = 8
Perform (Acting) 7+3 = 10
Profession (Actor) 5+0 = 5
Search 4+0 = 4
Sense Motive 8+0 = 8
Stealth 8+2 = 10
Swim 4+1 = 5
Accurate Attack, Attack Focus (Melee) 3, Attractive, Contacts, Defensive Attack, Defensive Roll 3, Diehard, Distract (Bluff), Dodge Focus 3, Elusive Target, Equipment 2, Evasion, Improved Disarm, Improved Initiative, Improved Trip, Skill Mastery (Acrobatics, Bluff, Diplomacy, Perform/Acting), Takedown Attack, Weapon Bind
DEVICE-14: DRAGON BELT [57pp: 4pp/rank + Restricted: Wang Bloodline only; Grants 70dp]
Fort +2 [2]
Reflex +5 [5]
Blind-Fight, Evasion, Stunning Attack, Takedown Attack, Uncanny Dodge (Hearing)
ALTERNATE FORM-11 [55+3AP=58dp]
The Fire Aspect Form is fast and maneuverable, sacrificing armor for better defenses. Fire Aspect's attacks are less powerful overall, but better against large numbers of foes.
Move-By Attack [1]
Attack Focus (Melee) +7 [7]
Dodge Focus +7 [7]
Flight 3 [6+1AP=7]
+AP: Speed 3
Protection 4 (Impervious +1) [8]
Strike 7 (Mighty) [8+7AP=15]
+AP: No-Shadow Punch: Strike 6 (Mighty, Split Attack)
+AP: Dragon Claw Strike: Strike 3 (Mighty, Penetrating +1)
+AP: Dragon Fury Strike: Strike 3 (Mighty, Autofire +1)
+AP: Breath of the Fire Dragon: Blast 4 (Area:Cone +1, Action:Full -1)
+AP: Fire Defense Stance 1: Deflect 8 (fast projectiles)
+AP: Fire Defense Stance 2: Deflect 8 (slow projectiles)
+AP: Dragon Nova: Dazzle 8 (Visual; Area:Burst +1, Range:Touch -1, Action:Full -1)
Final attack: The Fire Aspect assumes the proper stance, accumulates a massive wave of energy in his hands, and then unleashes it in a furious wave striking every target in it's wake.
Fire Kirin Wave: Blast 10 (Area:Cone +1, Limited: Final Attack -1, Action:Full -1) [10]
The Water Aspect Form is a general purpose form with good offense and defense.
Fort +2 [2]
Attack Focus (Melee) +5 [5]
Dodge Focus +5 [5]
Leaping 2 [2+2AP=4]
+AP: Swimming 2
+AP: Teleport 2 (Limit: Immersed in water only)
Protection 6 (Impervious +1) [12]
Strike 9 (Mighty) [10+6AP=16]
+AP: Breath of the Water Dragon: Blast 5 (Area:Cone +1, Action:Full -1)
+AP: Water Defense Stance 1: Deflect 10 (fast projectiles)
+AP: Water Defense Stance 2: Deflect 10 (slow projectiles)
+AP: Water Cannon:Trip 5 (Area:Cone +1, Knockback+1, Action:Full -1)
+AP: Typhoon: Dazzle 10 (Visual; Area:Burst +1, Range:Touch -1, Action: Full -1)
Super-Movement 1 (Permeate, Water Walking) [2]
Final attack: The Water Aspect assumes proper stance, accumulates a wave of raw, spinning energy in one fist, and then unleashes it in one single, devastating punch.
Spinning Wave Punch: Strike 11 (Mighty, Penetrating(Limit:5) +1, Limited: Final Attack -1) [9]
The Wood Aspect Form provides slightly more powerful strikes against stronger targets at the expense of lesser accuracy.
Fort +2 [2]
Attack Focus (Melee) +3 [3]
Dodge Focus +5 [5]
Immovable 2 [2]
Protection 6 (Impervious +1) [12]
Strike 11 (Mighty) [12+4AP=16]
+AP: Forking Branch Strike: Strike 9 (Mighty, Extended Reach, Split Attack)
+AP: Strength of Wood Punch: Strike 5 (Mighty, Penetrating +1)
+AP: Wood Defense Stance 1: Deflect 12 (fast projectiles)
+AP: Wood Defense Stance 2: Deflect 12 (slow projectiles)
Super-Movement 1 (Sure-Footed, Swinging) [2]
Final Attack: The Wood Aspect assumes proper stance, then leaps at the target and executes a devastating flying kick.
Ultimate Dragon Kick: Strike 13 (Mighty, Extended Reach, Penetrating(Limit:8) +1, Limited: Final Attack -1) [13]
The Metal Aspect Form is a heavy and powerful form which sacrifices a lot of maneuverability and accuracy in favor of protection and power. The Metal Aspect Form also materializes a giant warhammer with the head of a dragon in the aspect's hands, allowing him to perform devastating strikes as well as short-ranged throws. The warhammer always rematerializes in the aspect's hands after a throw.
Fort +2 [2]
Attack Focus (Melee) +2 [2]
Dodge Focus +1 [1]
Immovable 2 [2]
Protection 10 (Impervious +1) [20]
Strike 12 (Mighty) [13+2AP=15]
+AP: Strike 11 (Mighty, Thrown)
+AP: Shockwave: Strike 12 (Indirect:Ground, Area:Burst +1, Action: Full -1)
Final Attack: The Metal Aspect assumes proper stance, accumulates raw energy at the head of the warhammer, and then proceeds to unload a torrent of devastating strikes at a single target.
Ultimate Dragon Fury: Strike 14 (Mighty, Penetrating(Limit:10) +1, Autofire +1, Action:Full -1, Limited: Final Attack -1) [13]
Motorcycle [9]
Camera [1]
Ability Matrix[edit]
Normal |
Fire |
Water |
Wood |
Metal |
Attack |
+5/+2 |
+12/+2 |
+10/+2 |
+8/+2 |
+7 (+2) |
Defense |
+5 |
+12 |
+10 |
+10 |
+6 |
Initiative |
+6 |
+6 |
+6 |
+6 |
+6 |
Toughness |
+4 (0) |
+8 (4) |
+10 (6) |
+10 (6) |
+14 (10) |
Fortitude |
+5 |
+7 |
+9 |
+9 |
+9 |
Reflex |
+7 |
+12 |
+12 |
+12 |
+12 |
Will |
+3 |
+3 |
+3 |
+3 |
+3 |
Normal Damage |
+1 |
+8 |
+10 |
+12 |
+13 |