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Criminal Profile: Henry Jameson[edit]
Name: Henry Paul Jameson
Known Aliases: "Manic Mechanic", "HenryOneOne", "HP_UBER", "The Lucky Lad4Evr"
Metatype: Baseline Human
Ethnicity: Unknown/Mixed
Age: 33 years (estimated, see below)
Sex: Male
Height: 1.68m
Weight: 69.2 kg
Skin: Olive
Hair: Black, straight, short cut
Eyes: Brown
Genetic Profile Code: ff6626c69507a6f511cc398998905670
Threat Category: Moderate, Deceased.
(Lone Star perspective, write-up)
Journal, Entry 776[edit]
Priorities: Skills (A), Attributes (B), Technomancer (C), Metatype/Human (D), Resources (E)
(CC's perspective, post-'death')
Almost unacceptably weak physically, Crank Caller's true strength is in his lightning-fast mind and his capability to recognize an opportunity and squeeze it for all it's worth.
Body | Agility | Reaction | Strength | Willpower | Logic | Intuition | Charisma | Essence | Edge | Resonance |
2 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 2 | 6 | 6 | 3 | 6 | 8 | 6 |
Condition Monitor: 9/9/2
Physical Initiative: 8+1d6
Matrix (VR) Initiative: 12+4d6
Limits: Physical 2, Mental 7, Social 5
Notoriety: (Public Awareness + Street Cred)
Current Edge Points: 3/8
- Acting: Crank is shocked - shocked - to hear that some might think he's anything but an honest straight-shooter. He thought he had gotten to all of 'em...
- Con: Why offer nuyen to someone when you can sucker them outright and keep the money? Crank's study of confidence tricks and scams was difficult to put into practice... but the results speak for themselves.
- Rating 6
- Con: Why offer nuyen to someone when you can sucker them outright and keep the money? Crank's study of confidence tricks and scams was difficult to put into practice... but the results speak for themselves.
- Close Combat: Crank Caller's philosophy is that if an active enemy is within arm's reach, then something is very wrong. Still, it can occur often enough that a prepared runner should have a plan for such lamentable circumstances.
- Clubs: If Crank doesn't manage to avoid combat and there's no
meat shieldsallies around, he's reasonably capable with his trusty stun baton.- Rating 6
- Clubs: If Crank doesn't manage to avoid combat and there's no
- Cracking: In order to go about his business on the Matrix, the various tiresome security measures and boring guardians need to be taken care of, and Crank is quite good at doing so.
- Cybercombat: The matching of wits, the thrust and parry of imagination - never does Crank feel more alive than when engaged in combat on the Matrix.
- Rating 6
- Electronic Warfare: Information is king, but how that information moves is a faithful steward. Which Crank Caller has already suborned.
- Rating 6
- Hacking: Crank Caller has an instinct for unusual turns of logic, and this serves him well when he attempts to find what a programmer has neglected to harden.
- Rating 6
- Cybercombat: The matching of wits, the thrust and parry of imagination - never does Crank feel more alive than when engaged in combat on the Matrix.
- Electronics: Crank Caller's recent Awakening has left him with less interest in the actual materials he works with, but he's still quite knowledgeable about the 'real' functionalities of computer systems.
- Computer: If Crank was ignorant about computers, then he'd hardly be the Matrix god he
believes himself to beclearly is.- Rating 4
- Hardware: A decker who truly values his cyberdeck (and Crank was indeed one, once upon a time) is capable of cleaning, repairing and customizing it.
- Rating 4
- Software: Crank is quite capable of writing some decent apps on the fly, or to sell a custom module for someone with the nuyen to offer.
- Rating 4
- Computer: If Crank was ignorant about computers, then he'd hardly be the Matrix god he
- Firearms: Guns, guns, guns; shiny, often loud and unsubtle, but always somewhere in the area.
- Pistols: A gun is almost a requirement for a criminal in the Sixth World, and Crank has little reason to doubt conventional wisdom. Still, he's not exactly an expert marksman...
- Rating 4
- Pistols: A gun is almost a requirement for a criminal in the Sixth World, and Crank has little reason to doubt conventional wisdom. Still, he's not exactly an expert marksman...
- Influence: Even though he's an anti-social bastard in person, Crank knows the value of
suckersfriends; he's actually quite good at soothing ruffled feathers and haggling over prices. People are indeed puzzles - and he's always been good with those.- Etiquette: Everyone is a little rough around the edges, and Crank knows just how to smooth those edges out. A mixture of close observation and quick calculations allows him to select and implement the courtesies of most types of people he encounters.
- Rating 6
- Negotiation: The art of the deal is really quite enjoyable for Crank; partially because it's a break from more adrenalin-filled moments, but also because it usually signals more numbers on his credsticks.
- Rating 6
- Etiquette: Everyone is a little rough around the edges, and Crank knows just how to smooth those edges out. A mixture of close observation and quick calculations allows him to select and implement the courtesies of most types of people he encounters.
- Stealth:
Sore losersAdversaries have an unfortunate tendency to look for Crank in meat-space; he prefers that they don't find him. At least until they cool down.- Sneaking: Many companies and facilities, upon anticipating a Matrix assault, may go so far as to try to 'air-gap' their networks... or at least as much as they can in the interwoven Grids of the Matrix. Crank Caller is fine with that; that leads to complacency, and they don't suspect a physical intrusion...
- Rating 6
- Sneaking: Many companies and facilities, upon anticipating a Matrix assault, may go so far as to try to 'air-gap' their networks... or at least as much as they can in the interwoven Grids of the Matrix. Crank Caller is fine with that; that leads to complacency, and they don't suspect a physical intrusion...
- Other:
- Perception: Whether in the virtual environment or out of it, a smart criminal learns to pay attention to everything, from the ever-present rodents to the smell of the air. Dumb criminals tend not to last in a world of omniscient camera networks.
- Rating 6
- Forgery: A skilled Matrix resident should be experienced with computers and interfaces, but this is... was... Crank Caller's bread and butter. Or at least put them on the table for him. Combined with his Matrix capabilities, he's able to forge not just the fake itself, but online confirmation and even extensive records, if necessary.
- Rating 6
- Perception: Whether in the virtual environment or out of it, a smart criminal learns to pay attention to everything, from the ever-present rodents to the smell of the air. Dumb criminals tend not to last in a world of omniscient camera networks.
- Analytical Mind: Hour after countless hour working through databases and matrix systems has given Crank an instinct for patterns.
- Halve the time to solve a problem, gain +2 dice to any Logic Tests involving pattern recognition, clue hunting, puzzle solving, etc.
- Catlike: A lucky genetic quirk leaves Crank with joints and tendons of almost unnatural flexibility.
- Gain +2 dice to any Sneaking Skill Test.
- Lucky: In spite of his formidable skills on the Matrix, Crank Caller's most distinguishing feature is is sheer unadulterated disgusting luck. Or a genius ability to take advantage of opportunity; nobody knows for sure...
- Maximum Edge increased by one (to 8).
- Codeblock (Format Device): Crank's quite fond of leaving behind a trail of bricks. Unfortunately, he can get a little too eager about the prospect, hindering his performance.
- -2 dice to any attempt to format devices.
- Weak Immune System: So much of his time spent in the virtual environment of the Matrix, Crank's body is hardly up to the challenge of many a foe... even the smallest.
- Increase the Power of any disease by +2 for every Resistance Test.
Living Persona and Complex Forms[edit]
Attack | Sleaze | Data Processing | Firewall | Device Rating |
2 | 6 | 6 | 2 | 6 |
- Cleaner: Crank's awakening as a Technomancer may have saved him from a fatal burnout by that Renraku black IC, but it was with this trick that he made his escape afterwards.
- Target: Persona
- Duration: Permanent
- Fading Value: Level + 1
- Effects: A (Software + Resonance) Test; each hit reduces a target's Overwatch Score by 1.
- Weapons: Get out of bed without a weapon? Might as well ask me to walk around naked.
- Melee
- Stun Baton (Accuracy 4, Reach 1, Damage 9S(e), AP -5, Avail 6R, Cost 750)
- recharges by induction (one charge per hour of wireless)
- Survival Knife (Accuracy 5, Reach -, Damage (Str+2)P, AP -1, Avail -, Cost 100)
- serrated back, GPS monitor, mini-multitool, micro-lighter, hidden compartment, can make commcalls, display ARO of local maps
- Stun Baton (Accuracy 4, Reach 1, Damage 9S(e), AP -5, Avail 6R, Cost 750)
- Pistols
- Ares Light Fire 70 (Accuracy 7, Damage 6P, AP -, Mode SA, Recoil -, Ammo 16(c), Avail 3R, Cost 200)
- built-in custom silencer (-5 dice pool to notice the pistol being used or locate the firer)
- Ares Light Fire 70 (Accuracy 7, Damage 6P, AP -, Mode SA, Recoil -, Ammo 16(c), Avail 3R, Cost 200)
- Melee
- Worn Gear: What? You want me to go naked? You some kind of deviant, chummer?
- Armor
- Armor Vest (Armor Rating 9, Avail 2, Cost 500)
- Peripherals
- Wrap-around Sunglasses (Capacity 2, Cost 200+500+250)
- Low Light Vision, Vision Magnification
- Wrap-around Sunglasses (Capacity 2, Cost 200+500+250)
- Armor
- Tools
- Toolkits and Facilities Th' tools of the trade, darlin'. Now if you want that ID to look right, you'll be wanting to shut up and sit back down.
- Kit - Electronics/Hardware Skill (Cost 500)
- Kit - Other/Forgery Skill (Cost 500)
- Electronics
- Meta Link Commlink (Device Rating 1, Avail 2, Cost 100)
- Empty Datachip (Cost 5)
- Silver Certified Credstick (Capacity 20000 Nuyen, Cost 20)
- Toolkits and Facilities Th' tools of the trade, darlin'. Now if you want that ID to look right, you'll be wanting to shut up and sit back down.
Current Funds: 5,700 nuyen