Joker, The PL9
THE JOKER PL: 9, The Clown Prince of Crime, Name: Jack Napier, Male, Size: Medium; INIT: +3, DEF 20/16; SPEED 30; MELEE +7(Punch +1 S, ), RANGED +9, MENTAL +6, SV: DMG +1, FORT +1, REF +7, WILL +8; STR 12, DEX 16, CON 12, INT 20, WIS 10, CHA 20.
SKILLS: Bluff +10, Gather Info +8, Hide +10, Intimidate +10, Gotham City +15, Listen +4, Move Silent +11, Chemistry +19, Search +15, Sense Motive +12, Spot +4, Taunt +13.
FEATS: Assessment (1/2 action, assess 3 abilities of target), Dodge (+1 def, or +2 def to one opponent), Iron Will (+2 will saves), Surprise Strike ( +1 dmg/2 pls if target flat), Sidekick (npc follower), Minions (mooks to do your bidding), Villain's Luck (+1 villain point), Villain's Luck (+1 villain point), Villain's Luck (+1 villain point), Villain's Luck (+1 villain point), Headquarters (base of operations), Into thin Air (Super) (body vanishes when you die), Evasion (use ref save instead of dmg save).
POWERS: TWISTED BRILLIANCE, Super Intelligence [+6], Extra: Amazing Save (Willpower) [+6], Extra: Amazing Save (Reflex) [+4], JOKER'S GADGETS [+9].
WEAK: Quirk (Nutball of the Highest Order).
COST: abilities 30, combat 30, skills 24, feats 26, powers 35, weakness -10, total 135.