Jon D Custom Charm

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Cost: (3m 1wp) Mins: Ability 5, Essence 4
Type: Permanent Keywords: Compulsion
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Ability Essence Flow

No drug can compare to the sheer lovemaking prowess of the Solar Exalted. This Charm has the following effects, which only apply after the Solar has had sex with a sentient, living being and spends 3 motes as a reflexive action that does not count as a Charm use:

Whenever a Solar consummates any sexual act with any partner, said partner immediately forms an Intimacy of love, lust, or worshipful adoration as desired. This Intimacy may be resisted by spending the Solar's (Essence) in Willpower. The following two effects are Social attacks made during coitus or within the hour following the act are treated as unexpected. The Solar always benefits from the full +3/-3 MDV Appearance modification when making or resisting social attacks from the other partner.
Such is the majesty and horror of the Solar Exalted.

Red Sun of War
Cost:- Mins: Melee 5, Essence 4
Type: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Fivefold Bulwark Stance

Such is the glory of the Solar Exalted, that all blades turned against them have as little chance to strike them, as they do sunlight.

And expansion of Five-Fold Bulwark Stance it has the following effects:

- Pay an extra 2m: Solar is immune to DV penalties from Coordinated attacks, onslaught, and their own actions.

- If the Solar has Ready In Eight Directions Stance, may commit 5m to make it scene long.

- At Essence 5, no external effect can reduce your DVs by more than your attackers' Essence. You defend against unblockable attacks with a DV of Melee + Essence. Surprise attacks remain unblockable.