Juggernaut PL13

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Juggernaut (Cain Marko); PL 13 (196pp)

Init -1; Spd 40ft (Run), 30ft (Dig); Defense 9 (-1 Dex, 1 Base, -1 Size); BAB +5; +11 Melee (17S Punch), +4 Ranged; SV Dmg +7 [12 Protection, 1 (really +2 but PL cap) Armor], Fort +8, Ref -1, Will +9 (12 Mental Protection); Str 20, Dex 8, Con 20, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 10 [Total 37PP]

Skills: Intimidate 8/+8, Knowledge: Tactics 4/+4, Profession: Paramilitary 4/+5 [Total 8PP]

Feats: Chokehold, Iron Will, Great Fortitude, Improved Grapple, Rapid Healing, Startle, Toughness, Durability [Total 16PP]

Powers: Amazing Save <Will> +7 (Source: Training, Cost 1pp/Rank, Total 7pp), Armor +2 (Source: Mystical, Cost 1pp/Rank, Total 2pp), Growth +4 (Source: Mystical, Extra: Immunity; Cost 7pp/Rank, Total 28pp), Forcefield +7 (Source: Mystical, Extra: Impenetrable, Cost 2pp/Rank, Total 14pp), Mental Protection +12 (Source: Mystical, Flaw: Device (Helmet), Cost 1pp/Rank, Total 12pp), Super-Strength +8 (Source: Mystical; Extras: Immunity, Impervious, Protection, Shockwave, Tunneling (Extra: Add strength to required rank of stopping substances, Flaw: Juggernaut's max 'digging' speed is 30ft); Cost: 9pp/Rank, Total 72PP) [Total 135PP]

Immunities: Critical Hits, Disease, Energy (Cold, Electricity, Fire, Heat), Exhaustion, Poison, Pressure, Radiation, Starvation, Suffocation