Juggernaut PL18

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Juggernaut; “Cain Marko”; PL 18 (270)

Init +0; Defense 10 (+1 base, -1 size); Spd 40 ft, Jump 40 ft; Base Attack +6; Atk +11 (+18S or L Unarmed); SV Dmg +12 (13 Protection), Fort +10, Ref +0, Will +0; Str 20, Dex 10, Con 20, Int 8, Wis 10s, Cha 10 (34 total)

Skills: Search 5/+4, Spot 5/+5, Listen 4/+4, Intimidate 2/+20, Climb 2/+20, Move Silently 5/+5, Hide 5/+1 (15 total)

Feats: Rapid Healing, Endurance, Toughness, Durability, Power Attack, Immunity to Heat, Cold, Pressure, Aging, Disease, Poison, Suffocation, Starvation, & Exhaustion, Infamy, Improved Grapple, Villain’s Luck (34 total)

Powers & Equipment:

  • Mental Protection +18 (Flaws: Device (Helmet), 1 ppr, 18 total, Source: Mystical),
  • Growth +5 (Extra: Continuous, Flaw: Permanent, 6 ppr, 30 total, Source: Preternatural),
  • Super-Strength +8 (Power Stunts: Lethal Damage, Extras: Protection, Tunneling (Max 40 ft), Leaping, Shockwave, Thunderclap 8 ppr, 64 total, Source: Mystical),
  • Super-Constitution +5 (4 ppr, 20 total, Source: Mystical),
  • Regeneration +10 (Extras: Regrowth, Back from the Brink, 4 ppr, 40 total, Soure: Mystic),
  • Boost +5 (Extras: All Mystic Powers, 3 ppr, 15 total, Source: Mystic), (187 total)
