Jukko PL11

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Group Affiliation: STORMWATCH TEAM ACHILLES First Appearance: STORMWATCH TEAM ACHILLE #2 Power Level: 11 (175pp)

Str: 18(+4) Dex: 15 (+2) Con: 20 (+5) Int: 13 (+1) Wis: 18 (+4) Cha: 13 (+1) Total: 37

Base Attack Bonus: 9 Melee: 14 Ranged: 12 Total: 27

Base Defense Bonus: 9 Adjusted Defense Bonus: +15 Initiative: +6 (improved init) Cost: 18

SAVES Damage: +7 (toughness) Fort: +7 (great fortitude) Ref: +2 Will: +6 (iron will)

Powers: Uber empathic +6 [ESP (pain), flaw: permanent, flaw: backlash; source: science, cost: 3pp]

Combat sense +6 [source: training, cost: 6pp]

Total: 9pp


Armour +5 [protection+5, power stunt: radio hearing ; flaw: device; source: science; cost: 7pp]

Submachine gun [+5L, multifire, flaw: device, flaw: uses; source: science; cost: 5pp]

total: 17pp

Feats: Improved unarmed strike, Defensive throw, Counter attack, Combat reflexes, Attack Focus (unarmed), Dodge, Expertise, Great Fortitude, Improved initiative, Point blank shot, Toughness, Iron Will, Improved trip, Improved grapple, Rapid Healing, Penetrating Attack (unarmed), Startle, Rapid Strike, Stunning Attack, Improved critical

Cost: 40pp


Bluff +2, Diplomacy +3, Intimidate +5/+8 (strenght), Knowledge (SPBs) +6, Language +5, Move silently +6, medecine +4, Profession (soldier) +9, Sense motive +6, Spot +5, survival +7. Total: 29pp


Moderate Quirk: FINN Finland was transformed in a death camp by the authority of Jukko's Brother (an empathic superbeing ). All finns died except 2000 SPBs.