June 28, 1928 - Letter To Carl Ellis

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Mailed From Buffalo, New York

June 28, 1928

Dear Carl,

I've just got to your letter of the 24th of June. I've been upstate in Buffalo N.Y. How are you now? And Julian? And for that matter have you heard much from the rest of the gang?

Where to start, where to start?

Primus: We have made a few discoveries in Buffalo. Kyle and and I trailed Mr. Pembrook to the Winterswater's estate at 5481 Fairmore Fields Road in Buffalo. It seems that Mr. Pembrook is a psychic in the sense that Theo would agree with - at least he was until recently. We've spoken with him and discovered that the poor man has had a few shocks lately - to the point where he wants someone to confess to. Fortunately we were on hand.

Pembrook did feel somebody intrude upon our seance in New York - and it was not of his concious working. He has a good basic groundng in the occult, but until then he was innocent of Mystery. Two of his clients wanted him to clear the "evil vibratons" from the Winterswater house. Seems there was an axe murder in 1880. Mr. Winterswater was an experimenter in necromancy, possibly along with a Mr. George Eringuez, Mr. Winterswater and his wife were murdered with a hatchet - the wife was found first & Mr.Winterswater's was body destroyed beyond certain identification.

However, matters have intruded into the twentieth century: Mr. Pembrook found one of Mr. Winterswater's experiments in necormancy & brought it back to life after fifty years in the grave. I am enclosing photographs.

We have discovered a number of documents in the house, and in a safety deposit box in town. (Incidentally, the box is only paid up to about 1930) I am enclosing photographs of the documents.