Junkyard Gou Shi

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Junkyard Gou Shu[edit]

  • Refresh: 1
  • Jianghu Rank: 2


  • High Concept: Wrecking-Ball Cyborg with Something to Prove
  • Trouble: Blood Feud with the Burning Tigers
  • Other: Parents are Always with Her, Looking for a Pack, Honor in Question


  • Forceful (Wood): +4
  • Flashy (Fire): +0
  • Careful (Earth): +2
  • Clever (Metal): +0
  • Quick (Water): +4

Kung Fu[edit]

Style: Thunder Wolf (Quick/Forceful) (Lightning Tiger)

  • Thunder Wolf Style

Thunder Wolf practitioners learn that fast movement and powerful attacks dominate a battleground. Mixing quick close attacks and leaping or rushing distance strikes, this style forgoes elaborate defenses in favor of simply outpacing or evading most attacks. Stylists prefer to stay on the offensive, wearing foes down under a barrage of relentless blows. Distinguishing themselves from other Lightning Tiger variants, Thunder Wolf practitioners are at their best working with others, leaping into openings created by their allies and retreating at just the right angle to draw their enemies’ attention into the fist of another. As forming fighting bonds is so important to the philosophy of the style, practitioners are loathe to leave a fallen friend behind and their attention can be drawn away by pressure on their allies.


  • Wolf Leads the Pack -- You may always use Forceful Approach to defend against attempts to cower, intimidate, or provoke you. Gain 2 Armor Rating against any attacks based on such attempts. (Tiger Rules the Jungle)
  • Wolf Strides Boldly -- Move at least 1 zone and make an attack using Quick or make a Quick attack on a target that just moved into your zone on their last action. Add 2 shifts to any stress you deal with this attack. (Tiger moves with Purpose)
  • Wolf’s Jaws Snap -- When you tie on a physical attack using Quick or Forceful you can inflict a 2 point shift physical attack instead of taking a boost. (Tiger Rends the Flesh)
  • Thunder Rings Through The Mountains -- When you succeed with style on a Quick or Forceful attack, you may move 1 zone in addition to gaining a boost. If someone or something tries to stop this movement, gain a +2 to rolls to overcome. (Lightning Crosses the Heavens)
  • Thunder Shatters the Tree -- When you succeed with style on a Forceful attack, you may remove an invocation on an existing advantage affecting you instead of taking a boost. (Lightning Splits the Tree)
  • Thunder Rolls Onwards -- Gain a +2 bonus to the approach used when determining turn order. (Lightning Strikes Without Pause)
  • Wolf Harries the Prey -- Spend 1 Fate Point, for the rest of the scene gain a +2 bonus of Forceful attacks and +2 bonus on Forceful or Quick defenses any time you act after

moving at least 1 zone or your opponent has moved at least 1 zone on their last action. This effect lasts until the end of the scene. (Tiger Streaks Through The Sky)


  • Overclocked Reflexes -- +2 to Quickly Create an Advantage by reaching an advantageous position.
  • Supercharged Myomer -- +2 to Forcefully Attack a physical target when she has leverage to focus her strength.