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REAL NAME: Roger Handfield

ARCHETYPE: Psychic Crime Fighter

PL 10 (150 Power Points)


POWERS (Origin – Empowered)

Inhuman Physiology: Protection 6 • 6pts

Mental Awareness: Senses 2 (Mental Sense, Radius) • 2pts

Telepathy: Mind Reading 5, linked to Area Mental Communications 3 • 25pts

*ESP: Remote Sensing 6 (Normal Vision, Normal Auditory, Mental) • 1pts

*Mental Blast: Perception Range Damage 6, Resisted by Will • 1pts

*Psi-Knife: Damage 10, Affects Insubstantial 2, Accurate 1, Resisted by Will • 1pts

*Fold Space: Teleportation 4, Accurate, Easy, Change Direction, Change Velocity, Increased Mass 2 (200lbs), Turnabout • 1pts

*Sleep Touch: Cumulative Affliction 10 (Resisted by Dodge, overcome by Will; Fatigue, Exhausted, Asleep), Accurate 1, Insidious, Subtle 2 • 1pts

*Telekinesis: Move Object 10, Accurate 3 • 1pts

*Telekinetic Punch: Strength-based Damage 9, Penetrating 5, Affects Insubstantial 2, Reach 1, Split • 1pts

ADVANTAGES: Daze (Intimidate), Evasion, Hide in Plain Sight, Skill Mastery (Intimidate), Startle, Tracking, Uncanny Dodge

SKILLS: Insight 4 (+8), Intimidate 14 (+18), Investigate 8 (+12), Perception 4 (+8), Stealth 8 (+12)

OFFENSE: Initiative +4, Unarmed +8 (Close, Damage +3), Mental Blast (Perception, Damage +6, resisted by Will), Psi-Knife +10 (Close, Damage +10, resisted by Will), Sleep Touch +10 (Close, Affliction 10, resisted by Dodge, overcome by Will), Telekinetic Punch +8 (Close, Damage +12)

DEFENSE: Dodge 20 (+10), Parry 20 (+10), Fortitude +4, Toughness +10, Will +10

Totals: Abilities 70+ Powers 40 + Advantages 7 + Skills 19 + Defense 16 = 150pts

Complications: Hatred – Those that do intentional harm against innocent people or those weaker than themselves. Justicar has an irrational hatred of terrorists, murders and assassins you target the non-military. Honor – Justicar believe in a strong personal code of honor. One should always tell the truth if possible, to never lie or cheat, and to fight ‘honorable’ villains honorably. This does not include murders and assassins or terrorist. Those that would harm innocent are not deserving of any rules. Patriotism – Roger grew up in a military family, where patriotism in one’s country ran deep. The war has only intensified his belief in the ‘rightness’ of good old American values. Responsibility – Justicar believes that the country that gave him these amazing powers deserves him to use them for the greater good, to fight the Axis and do his part for the war effort.