Kaius Korth

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A.K.A. "Beserker", A.K.A. Cassius Ir'Wynarn, A.K.A Cassius Du'Crion

Chaotic Neutral Half-Elf Fighter 7/Aristocrat 1


Appearance: Kaius Korth is an aristocrat but you'd never know it from looking at him. Having spent the last four years on the streets of Sharn, he's become considerably more rough and tumble looking. While still too pretty to fit into the harsher crowds of Sharn, he looks like he can take care of himself with his multiple broken nose and a body that bears more than a few scars from his many 'manly encounters.' He's also developed a thick Brelish cockney.

Background: Kaius Korth was born in the Crion Barony but moved to Korth at a fairly early age. The bastard son of King Kaius with the briefly resurrected form of the Druid-Lich Kazandra. Having grown up on an estate to be provided with every bit of education and amenity that one could ask for, he was swiftly bored and eager to prove himself more than just a Galifar dandy.

Forbidden from attending the Rekkanmark Academy, lest his embarrassing status as the King's bastard come to light, Kaius ended up apprenticing himself to the Karrnath based branch of the Knights of the Silver Chalice. While not particularly religious, he was squired to the samurai styled Gerard Schwartzvald whom taught him a great deal about the faith of Dol Arrah along with fighting.

Kaius Korth is still a member of the Knights of the Silver Chalice at this time, despite appearances, but one would never know it from looking at him. The decision of the Knights of the Silver Chalice to remain neutral in the war has resulted in a severe public backlash against them. Kaius Korth is unwelcome in any part of Karrnath and his nationality makes him loathed in any nation but it.

Kaius Korth doesn't really understand why the Knights are remaining neutral and dislikes being the 'monkey-boy' of peasants. He's since taken to vampire hunting and tracking down the mysterious Emerald Claw in order to pass the time. The irony of his intense hatred of the undead given his heritage has not been entirely lost upon him.

Kaius is, currently, traveling with a Succubus that his mother provided for him as a companion. While not yet a paladin, Kaius figured out her true nature a few months ago and yet has already come to rely on her enough that he's disregarding his order's teachings by allowing 'Maya' to travel with him.

Recently, his father appeared to him, and has offered to bring him into the Karrnath army if he performs extra-military favors for him. A great deal of Cassius' future guilt and self-loathing will come from the fact that he spied on his order for his father during the early years of the war.

Personality: Kaius Korth is a hard-drinking, womanizing, and music loving warrior with nothing but contempt for anyone who isn't willing to fight his way out of a situation. Oddly, despite his utter disdain for the law, there are traces of the man he'll become. His utter hatred of the undead is mixed with a growing compassion for the victims they leave behind that will eventually become all encompassing. Kaius is also a man of his word and possesses a sense of honor that is growing every day. Nevertheless, currently, he's quite unpredictable despite never breaking a promise.

Khorvaire - YK 900