Kerry Von Erich
Rough Superstar 3, Technical Superstar 6
Attitude: Face; Height & Weight: 6’2”, 254 pounds; Weight Class: Heavyweight; Lift DC: 12; Reputation: +6; Abilities: Str 16 (+3), Dex 12 (+1), Con 14 (+2), Int 14 (+2), Wis 12 (+1), Cha 12 (+1); Endurance: 133; Trauma: 14; Base Attack Bonus: +7; Saves: Fort +7, Ref +6; Will +11; Training Background: Legacy
Skills: Concentration +13 [Ranks +9, Con Mod +2, Determined +2]
Diplomacy +3 [Ranks +0, Cha Mod +1, Synergy +2]
Escape Artist +12 [Ranks +10, Dex Mod +1, Training Background Skill +1]
Knowledge (Technical Maneuvers) +13 [Ranks +10, Int Mod +2, Training Background Skill +1]
Perform (Promo) +7 [Ranks +6, Cha Mod +1]
Perform (Vignette) +7 [Ranks +6, Cha Mod +1]
Sense Motive +9 [Ranks +8, Wis Mod +1]
Spot +9 [Ranks +8, Wis Mod +1]
Treat Injury +12 [Ranks +9, Wis Mod +1, Determined +2]
Feats: Aerial Maneuvers Proficiency, Determined, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Master of the Hold (Iron Claw), Moveset, Power Maneuvers Proficiency, Rough Maneuvers Proficiency, Savant, Signature Move (Discus Punch), Simple Maneuvers Proficiency, Technical Maneuvers Proficiency, Vigor
Talents: 10000 Holds, Instinct, Iron Man, Mat Technician, Space Mountain
Moveset: Atomic Drop (power/technical maneuver, 1d6 damage, requires lift check, Moveset bonus, +2 on maneuver check)
Dropkick (aerial maneuver, 1d6 damage, +4 stagger, knockdown check, prone self, possible stun on self if missed, 1 Endurance cost, Moveset bonus, +1 on maneuver check)
Haymaker (power/rough maneuver, 1d6 damage, knockdown check, possible stun, illegal, Moveset bonus, -1 on maneuver check)
Signature Move: Discus Punch (power/rough maneuver, 2d6 damage, illegal, knockdown check, Signature Move bonus, +0 on maneuver check, 3/show)
Finishing Maneuver: Iron Claw (technical maneuver, 1d6 damage, submission, -1 on maneuver check)
Other Maneuvers: Hip Toss (aerial/technical maneuver, 1d4 damage, requires lift check, +2 on maneuver check)
Side Headlock (simple maneuver, 1d3 damage, +2 on maneuver check)