Kess Oddwhiskers - Ratfolk Preservationist Alchemist
Kess Oddwhiskers
Str 10 +0 Dex 16 +3 Con 12 +1 Int 20 +5 Wis 12 +1 Cha 7 -2
AC: 10+1 Size +3 Dex+3 Armor=17
Fort: +3
Ref: +5
Wil: +2
HP: 8
Init: +3
BAB: +1/+4
Race: Ratfolk (+2 Dex/Int, -2 Str, Small, Slow, Tinker (+2 Craft/Alchemy, Perception, UMD), Rodent Empathy (+4 to Handle Animal vs Rodents), Cornered Fury (With no conscious allies within 30' and half HP or less, +2 to AC and melee attack), Darkvision)
Class: Preservationist Alchemist
--Alchemy (+Lv (1) Competence bonus to Craft/Alchemy checks; can use Craft/Alchemy checks to identify potions; Create Extracts (Activate 3 L1/day))
--Bomb (6/day, Thrown Splash Weapon, 20' range, 1d6+5 Fire damage direct hit, 6 points splash damage)
--Mutagen (1/day, lasts 10 minutes, +2 Natural Armor, +4 Str/-2 Int or +4 Dex/-2 Wis or +4 Con/-2 Cha)
--Throw Anything (Int bonus do damage with Splash weapons, including Splash damage)
Traits: Accelerated Drinker, Auspicious Tattoo
Skills: Craft (Alchemy) 1 (+12), Use Magical Device 1 (+6), Perception 1 (+6), Disable Device 1 (+7), Knowledge (Nature) 1 (+9), Stealth 1 (+11), Spellcraft 1 (+9), Knowledge (Arcana) 1 (+9)
Feats: Brew Potion, Splash Weapon Mastery (You have Far Shot with Splash weapons. Hit choice of one square adjacent to splash area with splash damage. When you miss with a splash weapon, adjust the direction by 1 point)
Formula List: Comprehend Languages, Cure Light Wounds, Crafter's Fortune, Disguise Self, Identify, Shield, True Strike
Equipment: 23 GP Hide Shirt, Dagger, Alchemist's Kit, Sling, 10 bullets, Explorer's Outfit, 6 vials Alchemist's Fire, 6 vials Acid