Kher Vilar

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Kher Vilar[edit]


Class: Race: Alignment: Deity:
Swashbuckler 4 Human CG
Level: Size: Age: Gender:
4 M 22 Male
Height: Weight: Eyes: Hair:
6'2" 13 Stone Brown Blond

STR 12 +1
DEX 16 +3
CON 14 +2
INT 14 +2
WSD 10 +0
CHA 9 -1
Hit Points
TOTAL wounds subdual
34 5 0
TOTAL dex other SPEED
=3 +3 0 30f
Armor Class
FINAL = base + armor + shield + dex + magic + other spell failure armor check penalty
17 10 4 0 3 0 0 0 0

Battle Scores
MELEE = base + str + magic + other
+5 +4 +1 0 0
RANGED = base + dex + magic + other
+7 +4 +3 0 0
Saving Throws
TOTAL = base + stat + magic + other
FORT 7 4 2 1 0
REFL 5 1 3 1 0
WILL 2 1 0 1 0


Weapon Bonus Damage Critical Range Weight Size Type Special
Rapier +1 +8 1d6+4 18-20 X2 2LB M Piercing
Handaxe +7 d6+3 20 X3 3lb M Slashing
Mace d6 20 X2 4lb M Bludgeonin


Armor Type Bonus Penalty Max Dex % Failure Speed Weight Special
Chain Shirt +1 Light +4 -1 +4 20% 30 feet 25lb

Feats & Special Abilities[edit]

Feat / Ability Description/Notes
Weapon/Armour Proficencies Simple/Martial. Light
Weapon Finess
Insightful Strike add Int bonus to damage. Opponenets immune to sneak attack are immune to this. Wearing medium or heavy armour negates this. Finess Weapons only
Grace+1 Bonus to Reflex saves. Wearing heavier than light armour negates this
Combat Reflexes up to 3 AOO per round
Hold the Line AOO against charging foes
Two-weapon fighting


Skill Name Ability Skill Mod = Ability Mod + Ranks + Other
Craft (weaponsmithing) Int 9 2 7
Craft (Armoursmithing) Int 9 2 7
Jump Str 7 1 7 -1
Knowledge (Arcana) Int 5.5 2 3.5
Knowledge (The Planes) Int 5.5. 2 3.5
Swim Str 7 1 7 -1
Tumble Dex 9 3 7 -1

Spell List[edit]

No Spells Assigned.

Gear Location Weight Description/Special
Cloak of Resistance +1 +1 to all saves
Artisans Tools (Masterwork) x2 5lb 1 for armour, 1 for weapons. +2 to craft checks
Cash 1727 gold. Some of it will have gone on nick-knacks


No Treasure Assigned.


6000xp - Next Level: 10000xp


No Description Assigned.


No Personality Assigned.


Kher's blood line is that of warriors. His father was a fighter, as was his father and so on for many generations. With his lineage it was always clear that he would become a renowned fighter of some description, however to his families surprise he actually expressed more interest in book learning, particulalry about other planes of reality and magic. It never was at the cost of his warrior training but as far as his father was concerned it was an odd habit. He indulged his sons interest though, getting a wizard friend of his to give the lad a few tips and even show him some of the magic he possessed, including a demonstration of the power of Shadow Walking when Kher and his father visisted his uncle for a few demonstrations of the finer points of mace-fighting.
As his lessons continued apace so did his acquisiotion of knowledge. He flet compelled to go out into the world and experience some of the strange things he had read about, face the strange creatures that he would never encounter in his homelands. With a few years experience fighting alongside family members under his belt he finally opted to set out and find his own niche somewhere. His wanderings have brought him here, to Port Blackheart and the opportunities it offers.