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Race: Damaya Lashunta, Class: Operative, Specialization: Explorer, Theme: Spacefarer Age: 22, Height: 5'9”, Weight: 145lbs,

Abilities: Base+Race+Theme+Class+Pt Buy=Total

Str 10+0+0+0+0=10 (mod +0)

Dex 10+0+0+0+6=16 mod +3)

Con 10-2+1+0+2=11 (mod +0)

Int 10+2+0+0+2=14 (mod +2)

Wis 10+0+0+0+0=10 (mod +0)

Cha 10+2+0+0+0=12 (mod +1)

Feats: Weapon Focus-laser pistol


BAB +0 Melee/throw +0 Ranged +3 Initiative +3 dex +1 class = 4

EAC 10+1 armor +3 dex = 14

KAC 10 +2 armor +3 dex = 15

Laser pistol 3+1 (feat) = +4

Tactical baton 0+0 = +0 Survival knife 0+0 = +0

HP 4 (racial) + 6 (class) = 10

Stamina 6 + 0 = 6

Resolve points 1+3=4


Base+ability mod+other

Fort 0+0+0=0

Reflex 2+3+0=5

Will 2+0+0=2

Skills: (ranks+mod+race+feat+other)

Acrobatics 1+3+0+0+3=7

Bluff 1+1+2+0+3=7

Culture 1+2+0+3+3=9

Disguise 0+1+0+0+0=1

Intimidate 0+1+0+0+0=1

Medicine 1+2+0+0+3=6

Perception 1+0+2+0+3=6

Piloting 1+3+0+0+3=7

Physical Science 1+2+0+0+3=6

Sense Motive 1+0+0+0+3=4

Stealth 1+3+0+0+3=7

Survival 1+0+0+3+3=7

Note: racial bonus +2 to 2 skills, Class feature: skill focus in associated skills (culture and survival)

Languages known: Castrovelian, Common, Akitonian, Ysoki, Kasatha

Armor: Second Skin eac+1, kac +2, light, max dex +5, upgrade slots=1


Laser pistol-azimuth: Attack +4, damage 1d4 fire, crit= 1d4 burn, 20 charges, range 80 feet, bulk L

Tactical baton: Attack +0, damage 1d4 blunt, type: analog/operative, bulk L

Survival knife: Attack +0, damage 1d4 slash, type: analog/operative, bulk= L

Racial abilities:

Daze and Psychokinetic Hand at will

Detect Thoughts 1x/day

Telepathic communication with others within 30 feet

Class abilities:

Operative edge: +1 insight bonus to initiative and skill checks

Trick Attack +1d4 (attempt a Survival skill check at +4 to make a trick attack)


Laser pistol (350 credits)

Survival knife (95 credits)

Armor: Second Skin (250 credits)

Basic medkit (2 hands, bulk=1) (100 credits)

Personal Comm. Unit (1 hand, bulk=L) (7 credits)

Flashlight (1 hand, 10 charges, duration 1 hour, bulk =L) (1 credit)

Consumer backpack (level 1, bulk=1) (3 credits)

Hygiene kit (level 1, bulk 1) (3 credits)

Meal: R2E (level 1, Qty 6, bulk L) (6 credits)

Battery (20 charges, level 1) (60 credits)

Everyday clothing (level 1, bulk L) (1 credit)

Travel clothing (level 1, bulk L) (10 credits)

Mass produced tent (level 1, bulk 1) (2 credits

Total spent = 958 credits, total bulk = 5

Who recommended you seek out the Starfinder Society? Her employer Genyro Industries, a manufacturer of survival gear. Kimo was recruited for the exploration division of the company by an old friend of her father.

How long have you been at the station? About 1 month.

Who do you miss from back home? Maelana, her best friend who has been training as an Envoy.

You've made an NPC friend on Absolom Station, who? A human male scholar named Septus. They met while in line at a food serving station. He started chatting and wouldn't shut up. This human was extremely persistent and annoying. Kima eventually relented and allowed him to sit with her. She agreed to answer his questions provided he answer hers in return. They have a mutual interest in learning and their awkward first meeting grew into a friendship.

Other background: Kimas' parents wanted her to become a negotiator for one of the corporations on Castrovel. At the very least they urged her to reconsider her career choice as they wished their only female offspring to choose a safer and more prestigious career. Two of her brothers joined the Calvary while the third works in security for the Envoy to Akiton. After learning of Kimas' desire to travel to other worlds and meet other species, an old family friend, Soryn, recruited her to join the exploration division of Genyro Industries, a company he was an executive of. Their exploration division visits both new and known worlds and updates the geographic, climate, culture, atmospheric, customs, and other pertinent data for the company. The company uses this data to stay a step ahead of the competition in making survival gear, travel publications, and basic adventure gear. It is a dangerous job but exciting at the same time.