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Rise of the Titans[edit]

What if there was a world where there were no massive forces such as weathering erosion and continental drift? And that all change was to be brought about by deliberate forces. That only the lifeforms that lived there, and a mysterious caretaker race enacted change. The designer The designer took the task of designing a world. A work of art. A place where life could be raised.

The shapers[edit]

The shapers were able to forge matter from the raw elements. They were brought to the void with their engines of creation and began to create matter from which the designer could build. The designer had the shapers form skeletons and formwork of stone and metal for his worlds. He experimented with various designs. One favoured by the designer was the basin.

The titans[edit]

The titans were commissioned to carry out the major works for the world. They filled the scaffold created by the shapers with still more materials, stone and earth and sand. They filled the bottom of the basin with molten metals, then stone, then earth. There were many revisions were made and that by the time the designer had settled on a concept, a score of worlds had been forged. It was the fifth that was kept.

The giants[edit]

The designer demanded still more of the titans. That they give form to the world, a landscape. The task was substantial and the titans were tired. They begged that the creator petition for more assistance. The giants were delivered. Made from stone, and metal, and flesh they were obedient and a fitting drudge for the task. They began to shape the world under the direction of the titans. They carved deep valleys into the earth and built the spoil piles into mountains which were then carefully sculpted. River and lake beds were cut and lined, hills and hummocks rolled out. The giants worked tirelessly for eons. Many perished. Their sacrifice was honoured and their shells returned to the earth –stone and steel becoming part of that which was to be.