Kithri Kinship, Halfling Cleric

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[B]Kithri Kinship[/B]

Kithri is one of a small group of Halflings still with the travelers. She is a creature of great fortitude and greater faith, believing as she does that this time of evil and hardship will pass in time.

She is also the mother of the new child, and quite ill at present.

Alignment: Neutral Good Personality Traits: There is no situation that justifies a lack of hope. I am desperate to find proof that the gods still watch and protect us.

Ideal: Survival of my People

Flaw: Bullheaded

Bond: I will do anything to protect my son.

3'3" Tall. 35 lbs.

Dark ruddy skin. Black hair cropped short. Dark brown eyes. A lot of scars and a slightly crooked jaw from when it healed not quite right after being broken by one of the beasts of burdens when she was little. She is slim for her people, and wiry rather than bulky like most of them are in this dangerous life.

Race: Halfling Subrace: Stout

Class: Cleric Life Domain Past: Acolyte Level: 1

HP: 10

Wisdom 15 Intelligence 14 Constitution 14 Charisma 12 Dexterity 12 Strength 8

Proficiency: +2

Armor: Light Armor Medium Armor Shields

Weapons: All Simple

Skills: Insight Religion Medicine History

Saving Throws: Wisdom Charisma

Languages: Common Halfling Dwarfish Celestial

Equipment: Holy Symbol (an old wooden carving of a snake coiled round itself, with branches and leaves growing from it, the wood still alive after so many years) Book of Prayer 5 Sticks of Incense Vestments (a mantle passed on by her father) Common Clothing 15 GP in a pouch Mace 1d6 Bludgeoning Scale Mail (14+Dex Mod)

80 gp.

No spells or cantrips yet.