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(AKA 'That bloody Bard' 'what the hel-ARhhghahahga' among others)

  • Career: Assassin Moritat
  • Career Rank: 1
  • Homeworld: Dusk
  • Divination: "Sins hidden in the heat turn all to decay" (Corruption +3)
  • Height: 5ft5"
  • Weight: 11st
  • Eyes: Yellow
  • Hair: Steel Grey
  • Skin: Bronzed
  • Age: mid-20s
  • Superstition: Skin tome: Marks her kills on her flesh


A short muscular women covered in swirling tribal tattoos and scars, she moves with the boundless energy and grace of a predator and her eyes seem to carry the same message. Her hair is the grey not of age but of steel, it is kept short at the front and sides but long at the back, various fetishes are woven into the long pony tail, Krishas eyes are a yellowy gold colour back on dusk it was a sign of good fortune, that she was marked for greatness.


  • Weapon Skill: 37
  • Ballistic Skill: 32
  • Strength: 38
  • Toughness: 38
  • Agility: 39
  • Intelligence: 30
  • Perception: 36
  • Willpower: 24
  • Fellowship: 22
  • Wounds: 14/14
  • Fate Points: 1
  • Insanity Points: 7
  • Corruption Points: 1


  • Common lore Dusk Folklore (int)
  • Climb (Str)
  • Secret Tounge (Moritat) (Int)
  • Shadowing (Ag)
  • Silent Move (Ag)
  • Speak Language (Tribal) (Int)
  • Speak Language (Low gothic) (Int)
  • Awareness (Per)
  • Dodge (Ag)


  • Melee weapon training (Primative)
  • Ambidextrous
  • Thrown weapon Training
  • Basic weapon Training (SP)
  • Pistol Training (SP)
  • Jaded


  • Primative: -10 to tech use, -10 fel checks in formal settings
  • Wildnerss setting: Navigation (surface), tracking and Survival are basic skills
  • Bad Blood - + 1d5 sanity points, + 1d5 currouption, +3 to Per and Will
  • Dusk tales - Common lore Dusk Tales (int)/ Forbidden lore (Daemonology), Scholastic lore (Occult) are basic
  • Little left to fear - Fear are on degree easier, -1 fate point


  • Mono-sword
  • Knife
  • Trophy Knife
  • 6 Throwing knives
  • Grappnle and line
  • Equipment Harness
  • Various Fethishes
  • Glow-slugs (x3)


  • Total: 400
  • Spent: 400

Rank 1[edit]

  • Moritat (300xp)
  • Ag + 5 (100xp)


Krisha was the second daughter of a bloodbound warrior of a small clan, from a young age she learnt the art of the hunt, the small arts of the hand, spear and blade so that she could marry well and produce strong sons for the clan.

While she was on a hunt something struck the clan hold, she returned to find her people dead, thier home destroyed, she waited for death to claim her to rejoin her kin. Yet the mysterious killer did not return nor did Dusks feriocous wild life come for her. Slowly she weakened, then the strangers came she did not hestiate to attack for death in combat would be a good end for her, better than starving to death. But the release she sought did not come. The new comers where a recuriting party, they had been observing her for sometime and this was a test.

They took her in and gave her a new faith to believe in this was a trail sent by the emperor, on to forge and temper her into a blade to do his work.

Many years later Krisha had begun her travial, her quest to spill the blood of the enemies of the emperor in his holy name, the last soul she had sent for judgement had been high placed and she had fleed that world quickly. Ending on Bilani, for now she has taken on work as argi-worker where her strong back is if not appriacted at least accepted.

Many fear and distrust the offworlder with her strange manerissms and dress. At night she either spends time praying to the emperor making offerings of her own blood or decends into the underlevels stalking the sinners who make such places theor homes.

Krisha is usually gergouris and outgoing, she enjoys the simpler things in life amd often has little time for the nicieites of civilised softlanders as she has dubbed them. But when triggered she becomes a stone-cold killer that will not rest to she has claimed her prey.

She also collects various fetishes, claws and bones of animals bits of scrap metal she believes that these will protect her from harm and give her insight into the emperors plans for her. She will become quickly agitated if others touch them without her permission.