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The son of two very well known super villains (Icicle and Starburst), He was born with the ability to control ice, unfortunately, he was also born with a hyper metabolism. Though he is only thirteen years old, he has the body of a middle aged man, and the aging does not look like its going to slow down. His parents search for a cure has been derailed by them being captured by another Supervillain (Pulsar)

His uncle (Crusader) came up with a plan to find his parents and resume the search for a cure. He would pose as a villain and find the location of Pulsar, free his parents and find the cure. The plan was working well until his uncle was killed. Now he is known as the villain Kryogen and will do anything to free his parents and find the cure to his aging


PL 11 (165PP); Init +9; 80ft (Run); Defense 27/17 (7 Base, 4 Dex, 1 Dodge, 5 Powers); BAB +7; +8 Melee (1S Punch), +11 Ranged (11S Ice Blast); SV Dmg +9 or +4 (11 Protection), Fort +4, Ref +9, Will +1; Str 12, Dex 18, Con 18, Int 16, Wis 12, Cha 12 (Total 63PP)

Skills: KS: Streetwise 4/+7, Perform 4/+5, Disable Device 2/+5, Spot 4/+5, Search 4/+7 (Total 18PP)

Feats: Heat Vision, Immunities (Heat and Cold), Dodge, Evasion (Total 8PP)


  • Energy (Cold) Control +11 (Source: Mutation; Effect: Slick; Extras: Slide, Force Field; Power Stunt: Energy Blast) (Cost 4 / Total 44+2PP)
  • Super Speed +5 (Source: Mutation) (Cost 6 / Total 30PP)