Kumoko (Supervillain)
Str 0; Sta 10; Dex 0; Agl 0; Fgt 0; Int 0; Awa 2; Pre 0
Parry 8; Dodge 8; Tou 14; Fort +12; Will +12
Acrobatics 2/+2; Athletics 2/+2; Insight 8/+10; Intimidation 16/+16; Perception 8/+10; Stealth 16/+16; Treatment 2/+2
All-Out Attack; Defensive Attack; Power Attack; Language (English); Hide in Plain Sight; Startle; Takedown 2
Silken Clothing: Protection 3, Feature: Spider-Silk clothes at will (4)
Spider Eyes: Senses 5: Danger Sense, Darkvision, Radius Sight (5)
Spider Repair Work: Immunity 1 (Poison), Regeneration 2, Immortality 1 (6)
Spider-assisted Transit: Speed 3, Movement 5: Wall-Crawling 2, Slithering, Swinging, Safe Fall (13)
Fearful Spider Bite: Drain Stamina 12, Progressive, Accurate 6, Reach 4, Incurable (43) --AE: Paralytic Bite: Drain Strength 12, Progressive, Accurate 6, Reach 4, Incurable (1) --AE: Showing Restraint: Affliction 12 (Hindered & Vulnerable/Immobile & Defenseless/Paralyzed & Unaware) Alt Save (Dodge), Cumulative, Extra Condition, Accurate 6, Reach 4, Reversible (1) --AE: Feeding Frenzy: Damage 12, Area (Cone) 2, Secondary Effect (1) --AE: Silk-Spinning: Create 14, Range (Close), Innate, Permanent, Reach 4, Quirk: Only what could conceivably be made with spiderwebs (1) --AE: I Was Here: Senses 4: Postcognition, Enhanced Perception 10 (Postcognition Only), limited to times and places she's been to plant a spider (1)
Motivation: Kumoko wants nice things, and knows, that, as a multiple murderer, she can't get them through any means besides crime. She's also frequently motivated by vengeance, but that particular motivation often goes away. Screaming.
Temper: When Kumoko is mocked, she loses her self-control. It's a good tactic to use against her, but risky unless you're confident you can stay out of reach of her spiders...
Repayment: Kumoko repays all her debts. Somehow. Help her, and she'll help you, possibly by murdering someone she thinks is making trouble for you. Harm her, though... she'll repay that, as well.
Takahashi Kumiko was never a popular girl. Antisocial, a loner, she was often bullied or ignored by her classmates in school... she regarded one classmate, a pretty girl named Kimiko, as her best friend simply because Kimiko had been polite to her, but they never spent any time together. Kumiko's life might have continued on a downward spiral for years, until there came Jiro.
Nakamura Jiro was popular-- handsome, clever, with just a hint of a bad-boy reputation that made some girls dream of his attentions. There were a few darker rumors about him, but surely they couldn't be true, could they? And then Kumiko saw Kimiko out on a date with Jiro...
She followed, of course. Mind you, it wasn't jealousy. No, if beautiful, perfect Kimiko wanted to spend time with handsome but dangerous Jiro, that was her business, but it would be good to keep an eye on the couple, just to make sure Jiro didn't push things too far. Boys could be like that, after all. She had no idea how right she was...
She followed as Jiro led Kimiko to an abandoned house. She never learned how he talked Kimiko into it, but it was a trap-- Jiro shoved Kimiko into a room, and spiders climbed over her. Kumiko watched in horror as Kimiko thrashed and spasmed... and Jiro heard her cry of despair as Kimiko went limp. Kumiko was an unathletic girl, but amazingly hardy. She put up more of a fight than Jiro was expecting, and revealed the horrible secret of Jiro's activities-- a collection of comatose girls, their brains all but gone. Eaten by the spiders. Was he selling their organs? Keeping them for more horrible purposes? Kumiko never learned-- instead, in the end, she was unable to resist as Jiro tied her arms and threw her to the spiders... and just one spider crawled inside Kumiko's ear, burrowing into her brain.
Laying eggs.
Kumiko was unconscious for a long time, and awoke to searing pain in her head, but pain that soon subsided, to be replaced by voices.
Mommy? Are you awake? Please, wake up and take care of us, Mommy. We love you. We'll protect you. We'll make horrible Jiro pay for his crimes.
The spiders had destroyed the minds of all of their previous victims, but (perhaps because of Kumiko's impressive health) Kumiko alone survived with her brain more or less intact. The spider colony in her brain had spread out throughout her body, and now lived in symbiosis with her. New spiders were being hatched inside her, and they would fight to defend their home...
Tracking down Jiro didn't take too long, and before Kumiko was done with him, he was screaming, begging for death as the poison burned out his nervous system as he twitched helplessly in her web. But it wasn't enough-- Kumiko had crossed the line, and she knew it. She couldn't go back to her old life. She wouldn't be forgiven. Besides, she had her children to consider. What if some doctor tried to kill them? No, she was a criminal now. Best to accept it and move on... and get revenge on everyone who had ever bullied her.
The deaths began then, and they called her Kumoko-- the Spider-Girl. A terrifying legend of an unstoppable killing force.
Appearance and Personality
Kumoko is a young, skinny Japanese woman with unkempt long dark hair, cracked glasses, and bad skin. She's always dressed in silk dresses that the spiders spin around her body. Her posture and body language, from minute to minute, shift from "bad" to "inhuman"-- she'll occasionally scuttle around on all fours, or move like a badly-jointed marionette. She is always covered by spiders crawling through her hair and often over her body and face.
Kumoko is very dedicated to the protection of the spiders living in her brain, regarding the colony as a whole as her children (although she's not particularly worried about any individual spider, and can't tell them apart.) She will attach herself fiercely to anyone who's nice to her, repaying anything she sees as a debt in one way or another. When she's angry with someone, however, she gets very quiet. She can be very patient in matters of vengeance, but she never forgets. (She can forgive, under some circumstances, however.) She otherwise tends to be a bit quiet, unless she's attached herself to someone.
She has extensive dialog with the spider colony in her brain, which addresses her as "mommy" and encourages her to act on her impulses, assuring her that it/they will protect her and destroy her enemies. However, this is entirely a projection of Kumoko's subconscious. If the spider colony has any sentience or ego at all, it is Kumoko. She's talking to herself, projecting her own desires onto the spiders, and using that as an excuse to live out her desires.
Kumoko has always had, even before the spiders, an inhuman consitution-- perhaps caused by a subtle mutation. This is the likeliest reason that she survived being infested with the spiders with her mind largely intact.
The spider colony lives in complete symbiosis with Kumoko. The greater colony lives in her brain, with new spiders constantly hatching, nourished by Kumoko's blood. Specialized spiders live on her head, directly connected to her visual cortex, giving her a complete view of everything around her, as well as an uncanny ability to detect even unseen dangers. They can even see well in the dark. In addition, she can leave spiders in a room, probably unnoticed, and when she returns to collect them, they will replay for her what they saw and heard in the room in her absence.
The spiders living on and in her body work hard to keep their host alive-- they work rapidly to repair injuries with spider silk, and can even repair internal injuries, resuscitating Kumoko even when she's at the point of death. The Worker-caste spiders can also spin silk, to form clothes (of tremendous strength) in whatever shape Kumoko desires around her, or to form larger objects, furniture, barriers,or whatever Kumko desires. They can also move to trap opponents, either directly, or by setting carefully-placed, almost invisible webs that will trap any who stumble into them, entangling them tighter and tighter in the webs as they struggle, until they can neither move nor even perceive the world around them.
The spiders also provide Kumoko with impressive transportation abilities-- they will climb from her limbs to anchor her to walls or ceilings, or spin lines to catch her or for her to swing on. Furthermore, their presence in her nervous system lets her scuttle at remarkable speeds, even on all fours or on her stomach or back.
Of course, what is most impressive about the spiders is their ability to attack. The larger, more dangerous Warrior spiders can't leave Kumoko's body for very long, but when they attack, the results are terrifying. Their venom can weaken and paralyze, or cause a horrifying, rapid death as the body weakens, but that is not their only method of attack. They can also leave the body in vast swarms, spreading out over one or many targets, and cover them with acid while tearing at them with fangs, causing horrible injuries or death.