Name: L’Taur
Species: Narn
Gender Identity: Cisgender female
Age: 54 Earth years
Appearance and Demeanor: L’Taur is a physically fit Narn woman. Much of the time she is withdrawn and reserved, carefully watching others around her. But when someone engages her interest, she can become quite cheerful and outgoing. And she is deeply curious about those around her, so this is not that unusual an event. She dresses in nondescript Narn clothing to avoid drawing attention. She prefers to wear a cloak with a hood up over her head, but won’t do so if that will draw more attention to her than it will avoid.
Empathy: 1d8
Guile: 1d8
Reason: 1d6
Faith: 1d8
Valor: 1d6
Luck: 1d4
Warrior: 1d8
Academic: 1d6
Worker: 1d6
Diplomat: 1d6
Hustler: 1d8
Wanderer: 1d8
Gathering Information 1d8
Ambush 1d8
One Unique Thing[edit]
The Only Child Assassin to Kill a Member of the Centauri High Command: L’Taur was born during the waning years of the Centauri occupation of Narn, when there were high levels of resistance to the Centauri. She was orphaned shortly after birth and taken in by the Thenta Makur, then a group dedicated to fighting the Centauri occupation through assassinations. From a young age, they trained L’Taur in the art of assassination. They then sent her to the household of Venrik Nessar, a member of the Centauri High Command. He regularly took in Narn orphans and trained them to be servants in the households of Centauri aristocrats. In his mind, he was helping uplift these Narns and setting them on the path for a better life. Using the skills the Thenta Makur trained her in, she killed Nessar and got away. When she killed him, Nessar said in shock, “But I took you in! I helped you!” The words made no sense to L’Taur at the time. Decades later, she realized Nessar could not see that he was an oppressor and sincerely thought he was helping the Narn orphans he was training to be servants.
- Former Assassin Seeking Redemption: L’Taur continued to work for the Thenta Makur as she grew older, knowing no other life. With the end of the Centauri occupation, the Thenta Makur lost their original purpose and became a more mercenary organization, hiring themselves out to do hits. They hid the dirtiness of what they were doing from themselves with a lot of language of honor and loyalty to the Thenta Makur. L’Taur was given the commission to assassinate G’Reis, a political leader who she had always admired. She carried it out, believing it was her duty to the Thenta Makur. Afterwards, however, she had a crisis of conscience. She eventually decided that, while the Thenta Makur had been a necessary evil during the Centauri occupation, it had outlived its purpose and become corrupt.
- Who Are You?: Narn Spiritual Seeker: When she had come of age, L’Taur had pledges herself to follow the prophet Na’Killi, but at the time, she had done so it a largely pro forma way. Following her crisis of conscience, she began studying his writings more closely and is now in the lengthy process of copying out his scripture by hand. His words inspired her to leave the Thenta Makur. She had not violated any of her obligations to them, but they were certainly not happy with this—and there was always the possibility they might seek to make an example of her. And was also in danger of being arrested for crimes in Narn space. So she set out to become a wandering, spiritual seeker, trying to understand her and others’ place in the cosmos.
- SFX: Faith Manages: When a situations threatens your values, spend one Plot Point to create a 1d8 virtue-based asset.
- Always Interested in Learning from Other’ Lives: Na’Killi urged his followers to learn from others’ spiritual experiences, even those of different faiths and species. L’Taur has taken this to heart and is eager to learn what she can from others. More than that, she has found a deep curiosity about others awakened in her. As an assassin, she channeled this into become adept at questioning people and gathering information. Now she just lets it flow out of her, eager to learn as much as possible about others.
Concealed Pistol 1d6
Bonus Points[edit]
Gathering Information 1d6 > 1d8: 2
Worker 1d4 > 1d6: 1