Lady Adamant

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Lady Adamant[edit]

AKA Rose Juniper Harper

Description Rose is tall, topping six feet and some, and carries musculature to fit, though she's not heavily muscled. She has platinum white hair that she keeps under a red wig when she's acting as Rose. She keeps her natural hair short. Her eyes are a pale gray.

Lady Adamant wears a simple body suit of silver and white with chrome highlights on the gloves and shoes.

Close Attack +8

Ranged Attack +5

Strike +8 (Total 21)

Strength +15

Agility +5

Dexterity +5

Intellect +0

Awareness +8

Presence +10 (43 Total)

Parry +6

Dodge +6

Toughness +0 / +10 (See Powers)

Fortitude +8

Will +8 (28 Total)

Powers: Protection Rk 10, Impervious

Speed Rk 3 (Total 23)

Advantages: Attractive / 2

Fast Grab

Improved Grab

Improved Hold (5 Total)

Complications Identity (Rose Harper) Motivation: Doing Good Motivation: Responsibility of Power

Rose is the youngest daughter of a genteel (read: broke) Southern Society Family.

Her mother is one of those iron-spined matriarchs of Southern Society, a Grand Dame who cannot accept that their family has fallen from its heights. But then, she also has trouble accepting that The South will *no* 'rise again', and that, in fact, it was never what she thought it was in the first place.

While Rose's two brothers (one older and one younger) and three sisters have all bought into their mother's ideals, Rose is another matter. Blessed (her mother would say cursed) with an inquisitive mind, Rose has questioned the 'Family Legacy' bit from almost as soon as she could talk.

She also never bought into the 'public persona / private persona' bit that her family required - namely, that women can be intelligent, well-read and opinionated, but only in private, behind closed doors, and they should never, ever be seen contradicting a man.

Rose excelled in school. She got in trouble more than once for questioning teachers, but punishments never stopped her. When her dramatic capabilities got her a scholarship to College, she chose to attend one on the West Coast, far from her family and their outdated ideals.

She chose USC, studying Drama. By the time she was 20, she'd already done work a few bit parts, and a lot of commercials and modeling work. She got some stage work and wound up in New York, where she's mostly stayed since.

As a hobby, she also took up blacksmithing - specifically, knives and swords, which she sold as props.

To this day, she's not sure how or why she got her powers. They came upon her in her 25th year, as she was working in her forge, but she wasn't doing anything she hadn't done a hundred times before.

Nonetheless, she was given powers - she's astoundingly strong, and heals so fast that it's almost like not getting hurt at all.

Something in her - whether her own innate sense of honesty and justice, or something connected to why she got the powers in the first place - pushed her to use those powers to help out. She worked out a simple suit of silver and white (with a few chrome highlights) and took the name Adamant. However, the press, noting her accent and general presence, dubbed her instead 'Lady Adamant'. It stuck, and she didn't feel it worth arguing about.