Lady Eviscera

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Lady Eviscera[edit]

Game Info: Vampire Beguiler 12(CR14)


In life the creature known as Lady Eviscera must have been a stunningly beautiful woman. In death she is possessed of a charisma and magnetism of extraordinary proportions. How long she has been a vampire is unknown but there is nobody around any more who claims to have known her before her change. She stands tall for a woman with long, silken, black hair and alabaster skin. Her movements are extremely graceful and fluid and her features could be the work of a sculptor. She is normally to be found dressed in an evening gown of a dark hue with make-up to match and she pays particular attention to her appearance, even on days when she only sees her zombified servants.


Flirtatious, enchanting, debonair and delightful; if you are on her good side Lady Eviscera can make you feel the centre of her world, like her lover, her confident, her closest aide. She is surrounded by thralls and suitors who hang on her every word, each believing that she truly cares for them above all others. Any of them would do anything for five minutes of her time or one of her smiles.

Those not enthralled to her generally treat encounters with Eviscera with suspicion and are on guard. Her charismatic façade hides an iron will of ruthless determination and callous efficiency. She uses her natural (and supernatural) abilities to further her own ends and cares for little beyond that. Most who have dealings with her are wise to keep that in mind as she speaks her honeyed words and would do well to consider the requests she makes of you and the deals she offers. In the cold light of day, you may not be so agreeable to the terms as you were when you looked into her eyes.


There is no point here in discussing theories about Lady Eviscera’s origins. Those who look hard enough could probably find some information on her but there are sources that place her in Port Blackheart for over two hundred years. It is better to focus on the here and now.

Though she has no official capacity in Port Blackheart (she is not one of the Bloody Lord’s lieutenants) there are few creatures more powerful or more influential in the Dark then her. She has vast wealth accrued over centuries of business dealings both fair and unfair. Her home is opulent and luxurious and everything about her tastes are expensive.
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