Lagrash Ornrek

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Lagrash Ornrek: NE Male Human Wizard 5/Tainted Scholar 10 (Depravity score of 100).

Appearance: His skin is almost albino white, his eyes are a completely black as is his hair. He typically wears a shadowweave robe and cowl and carries his staff of the magi.

Personality: He cares only for himself and an increase in his own power. Currently he considers an alliance with the Watchmen to be the best way of doing that but if he is offered a better way he will double cross them in a second.

History: He was born on the eastern edge of the Riedran empire. When he was still young the Heirs of Ohr Kaluun raided his town killing the men, ravaging the fields, salting the women and kidnapping the children. He and the other children were taken to the base of that particular cult and offered a choice they could swear loyalty to the Heir of Ohr Kaluun or they could die. Most children especially the older ones chose death while a small amount decided to live.

Lagrash was taken under the wing of an old wizard who taught him a great deal of ancient lore. When the Harmonious Shield launched one of the raids he was the only survivor of his cult. Luckily for him his master had hidden most of his books away from the camp. Lagrash studied these books in solitude for a long time and when he finally finished them all he set about uniting the Heirs of Ohr Kaluun.

His first step was to makes pacts with several demonic forces he used them to defeat the leaders of several small cults which he then took over. Then having gained sufficient cultist he performed a ritual to give himself more power in which he sacrificed each one of his followers.

Now that he had true power he spent the next ten years taking over various other cults till he controlled the largest cult around. He thought everything was going well but then the Harmonious Shield struck again. More than three quarters of his forces were killed and the remainder were scattered. He then decided he needed powerful allies. He consulted a hag who lived alone and was directed to the Watchmen.