Land of Xel:Water Magic

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Body of Ice [edit]

Difficulty- 35 Cost- 3 Actions Range- Self Duration- 1 minute per level of caster Damage- None Effect-Casters turns into living ice. You gain damage soak of 15 per . You are immune to blindness, critical hits, ability score damage, deafness, disease, drowning, electricity, poison, stunning, and all spells or attacks that affect your physiology or respiration, because you have no physiology or respiration while this spell is in effect. You take only half damage from acid and double from fire of all kinds. However, you also become vulnerable to all special attacks that affect ice golems. You gain a +6 enhancement bonus to your Strength score, +10 enhancement bonus to your Endurance, but you take a -14 penalty to Agility as well (to a minimum Agility score of 1), and your speed is reduced to half normal. All spells have a 50% chance of failure and receive+9 AR, just as if you were clad in full plate armor. You cannot drink (and thus can’t use potions) or play wind instruments. Your unarmed attacks deal damage equal to a club sized for you, and you are considered armed for purposes of attacking and parrying. Your weight increases by x10, but you float in water like a glacier.

Breathe Underwater[edit]

Difficulty- 18 Cost- 1 Action Range- Self or Touch Duration- 10 Minutes per level of caster Damage- None Effect- Target can breathe underwater for the duration of the spell.

Burst Clouds[edit]

Difficulty- 23 Cost- 3 Actions Range- 1000’ + 100’ per level of caster Duration- 1 minute per caster level Damage- None Effect- Allows caster to cause any area up to 100x100 ft., to be completely drenched. Movement is reduced by half, and sight is reduced to 10 ft. All fires magical or not are extinguished, and any dirt is turned to thick mud. This down pour drops 1D4 inches of rain per minute.

Conjure Water Elemental[edit]

Difficulty- 22 Cost- 2 Actions Range- 30’ Duration- 2 rounds +1 round per level of caster Damage- None Effect- Caster can conjure a water elemental from the elemental realm of water. The total number of elemental levels is equal to the caster level. The elemental will obey the caster and view the casters allies as indifferent. The elemental will not harm the casters allies as long as they take no action the elemental may view as aggressive or threatening. If the elemental is destroyed in combat; or provoked or attacked by the caster, it will immediately return to the elemental realm of water.

Control Water[edit]

Difficulty- 15 Cost- 1 Action Range- 100’ + 10’ per level of caster Area- 50’ + 10’ per level of caster Duration- 10 Minutes per level of caster Damage- None Effect- User can control direction and speed of waves in the area Caster can change wave speed up to 5mph per caster level up to 80 mph. Wave change is 2 mph per round per caster level. So a 5 level caster could cause a 25mph water flow with a 10 mph speed increase per round.

Ice Blast[edit]

Difficulty- 10 Cost- 1 Action Range- 100’ + 10’ per level of caster Duration- Instant Damage- 1d4 per two caster levels up to a maximum of 6d4 Effect- Caster shoots shards of ice at the target. The caster uses his difficulty roll as is roll to hit, this is considered a ranged attack for the purposes of dodging. The cast must be able to see the target though not all of him. The target is allowed a spell resistance roll vs. the casting roll to resist.

Ice Blast, Enhanced[edit]

Difficulty- 15 Cost- 1 Action Range- 100’ + 10’ per level of caster Duration- Instant Damage- 1d6 per two caster levels up to a maximum of 8d6 Effect- Caster shoots shards of ice at the target. The caster uses his difficulty roll as is roll to hit, this is considered a ranged attack for the purposes of dodging. The cast must be able to see the target though not all of him. The target is allowed a spell resistance roll vs. the casting roll to resist.

Ice Blast, Greater [edit]

Difficulty- 20 Cost- 1 Action Range- 100’ + 10’ per level of caster Duration- Instant Damage- 1d8 per three caster levels up to a maximum of 10d8 Effect- Caster shoots shards of ice at the target. The caster uses his difficulty roll as is roll to hit, this is considered a ranged attack for the purposes of dodging. The cast must be able to see the target though not all of him. The target is allowed a spell resistance roll vs. the casting roll to resist.

Ice Blast, Ultimate[edit]

Difficulty- 30 Cost- 1 Action Range- 100’ + 10’ per level of caster Duration- Instant Damage- 1d10 per three caster levels up to a maximum of 12d10 Effect- Caster shoots shards of ice at the target. The caster uses his difficulty roll as is roll to hit, this is considered a ranged attack for the purposes of dodging. The cast must be able to see the target though not all of him. The target is allowed a spell resistance roll vs. the casting roll to resist.

Ice Storm[edit]

Difficulty- 35 Cost- 2 Actions Range- 200’ + 10’ per level of caster Duration- Instant or up to 4 rounds Damage- 1d10 per caster level up to a maximum of 20d10 per round Effect- A 40’ where the caster designates is enveloped by great magical hailstones pouring down. If outside the duration is extended to 1 round per 4 levels of caster up to 4 rounds. The caster must be able to see the location he wishes to target. Everyone in the area including the caster and allies takes physical damage. Any one within 5’ of the perimeter can make a full dodge action, (if allowed) to take half damage and move out of the effected area. These are magical hailstones from the elemental realm of water and return at the end of the spell.

Purify Liquid[edit]

Difficulty- 10 Cost- 1 Action Range- Touch Duration- Permanent Damage- None Effect- Caster can purify 1 gallon of water per caster level making it safe to drink.

Repel the Liquid Touch[edit]

Difficulty- 10 Cost- 1 Action Range- Self or Touch Duration- 3 rounds + 1 round per level of caster Damage- None Effect- Target gains +5 resistances per caster levels to water or ice damage. This does not stack with any other magical means of water or ice resistance.

Walk on Water =[edit]

Difficulty- 18 Cost- 1 Action Range- Self or Touch Duration- 10 Minutes per level of caster Damage- None Effect- The target creatures can tread on any liquid as if it were firm ground. Mud, oil, snow, quicksand, running water, ice, and even lava can be traversed easily, since the subjects’ feet hover an inch or two above the surface. (Creatures crossing molten lava still take damage from the heat because they are near it.) The subjects can walk, run, charge, or otherwise move across the surface as if it were normal ground. If the spell is cast underwater (or while the subjects are partially or wholly submerged in whatever liquid they are in), the subjects are borne toward the surface at 60 feet per round until they can stand on it.

Water Blast [edit]

Difficulty- 10 Cost- 1 Action Range- Self or Touch Duration- 10 Minutes per level of caster Damage- None Effect- The Caster blasts a jet of water that goes at such force it can that can stun, daze or knock out an opponent. If the hit is successful the victim makes an Endurance roll against the attack roll. Damage from the blow is dealt normally regardless of the opposed roll.

Victims roll = attack roll = <dr>Victim knocked back 5’ and has -2 for 1 round
Victims roll +1 < attack roll = <dr>Victim knocked back 10’ takes 1D6 damage <dr>and stunned for 2 rounds
Victims roll +5 < attack roll = <dr>Victim knocked back 20’ and takes 2D6 damage <dr>lies prone and dazed for 2 rounds and then stunned<dr> for 1round.
Victims roll +10 < attack roll =<dr> Victim knocked back 30’ and takes 3D6 damage is<dr> unconscious for 5 rounds and then dazed for 2 rounds<dr> and then stunned for 1 round.

Wall of Ice[edit]

Difficulty- 25 Cost- 3 Actions Range- 50’ + 10’ per level of caster Duration- 1 minute per caster level Damage- None Effect- Creates 10, 10’ x 10’ x 5’ blocks of ice that can be used to constructed in a wall. The wall can stack no more than 3 blocks on top of each other which takes 6 blocks with a 1 on 2 on 3 block style. The caster creates the wall in his mind during the casting and the wall appears as the caster intends. This spell can be cast multiple times to create a larger wall. In order for this spell to be used there must be water near by, be it an underground stream, rain cloud, or other above ground source.