Lars Olsen

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Lars Olsen[edit]

Base Matrix[edit]

HT: 5' 9" || WT: 170 lbs || Age: 26 || Occupation: Gangster || Residence: Rented room across the street from a speakeasy || Birthplace: Boston, Mass


Characteristic Full Half Fifth
STR 60 30 12
CON 70 35 14
SIZ 60 30 12
DEX 80 40 16
APP 40 20 8
EDU 50 25 10
INT 50 25 10
POW 50 25 10
Characteristic Max Current
HP 13 13
SAN 50 45
LUCK 25 25
MAGIC 10 10


Accounting 05% Fast Talk 05% Law 40% Science 01%
Anthropology 01% Fighting (Brawl) 60% Library Use 20% [Science Specialty] 01%
Appraise 05% [Fighting Specialty] 01% Listen 40% [Science Specialty] 01%
Archaeology 01% [Fighting Specialty] 01% Locksmith 50% Sleight of Hand 10%
Art/Craft 05% Firearms (Submachine gun) 70% Mech Repair 10% Spot Hidden 50%
Art/Craft 05% Firearms (Rifle/Shotgun) 25% Medicine 20% Stealth 50%
[Art/Craft Specialty] 01% [Firearms Specialty] 01% Natural World 10% Survival 10%
Charm 15% First Aid 30% Navigate 10% Swim 40%
Climb 40% History 05% Occult 05% Throw 20%
Credit Rating 40% Intimidate 40% Op. Heavy Machinery 01% Track 10%
Cthulhu Mythos 00% Jump 20% Persuade 10% [Other Skill] 01%
Disguise 05%% Language (Other) 01% Pilot 01% [Other Skill] 01%
Dodge 60% Language (Other) 01% Psychology 10% [Other Skill] 01%
Drive Auto 40% Language (Other) 01% Psychoanalysis 01% [Other Skill] 01%
Elec. Repair 10% Language (Own) EDU% Ride 05% [Other Skill] 01%


Damage Bonus: -

Build: 0

Dodge: 60

Weapon Skill Damage Range Attacks Ammo Malf
Unarmed 60 1d3
Thompson submachine gun 70 1d10+2 20 1 or burst 20/30/50 96

Other Equipment[edit]

  • Worn: Cheap suit, heavy overcoat, gloves
  • Carried: Pocket knife, pocket watch, matches, playing cards, lockpicks
  • In the car trunk: Rope, crowbar, lamp, bottle of whiskey, tommy gun and extra drum clip


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