Last Emperor: 1st level Spells
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This is the conversion of the D20 1st level spells for Last Emperor.
Name | Arcana | Practice | Action | Duration | Aspect | Cost | Dice Pool | Resistance |
Alarm | Life 1 + Forces 3 | Knowing | Instant | Prolonged | Covert | 0 | Resolve + Animal Ken | None |
Animate Rope | Forces 3 | Weaving | Instant | Concentration | Vulgar | 0 | Wits + Larceny | None |
Burning Hands | Forces 3 | Weaving | Instant | Instant | Vulgar | 0 | Presence + Science | Automated: Dex |
Cause Fear | Mind 2 | Ruling | Instant | Transitory | Covert | 0 | Presence + Intimidation | Automated: Compsure |
Change Self | Life 3 | Weaving | Instant | Transitory | Covert | 0 | Stamina + Atheletics + 1 | None |
Charm Person | Mind 3 | Ruling | Instant | Prolonged | Covert | 0 | Presence + Empathy | Contested: Resolve |
Chill Touch | Forces 2 | Ruling | Instant | Transitory | Covert | 0 | Intelligence + Science | Automated: Stamina |
Color Spray | Mind 2 | Ruling | Instant | Instant | Vulgar | 0 | Intelligence + Intimidation | Automated: Resolve |
Comprehend Languages | Mind 3 | Weaving | Instant | Prolonged | Covert | 0 | Intelligence + Academic + 1 | None |
Detect Secret Doors | Matter 1 | Unveiling | Instant | Concentration | Covert | 0 | Wits + Craft | None |
Detect Undead | Spirit 1 | Unveiling | Instant | Concentration | Covert | 0 | Wits + Spellcraft | None |
Endure Elements | Forces 2 | Shielding | Instant | Prolonged | Covert | 1 | Stamina + Science + 1 | None |
Enlarge | Life 2 or Matter 3 | Weaving | Instant | Transitory | Vulgar | 0 | Intelligence + Medicine | Automated: Stamina |
Erase | Matter 2 or Prime 2 | Unweaving | Instant | Instant | Covert | 0 | Dexterity + Occult + 1 | None |
Expeditious Retreat | Forces 4 | Patterning | Instant | Prolonged | Vulgar | 1 | Wits + Atheletics | None |
Feather Fall | Forces 3 | Weaving | Instant | Transitory | Vulgar | 0 | Intelligence + Atheletics | None |
Floating Disk | Forces 3 | Weaving | Instant | Prolonged | Vulgar | 0 | Wits + Atheletics | None |
Grease | Matter 2 | Ruling | Instant | Transitory | Vulgar | 0 | Intelligence + Science | None |
Hold Portal | Matter 3 | Perfecting | Instant | Transitory | Covert | 0 | Intelligence + Crafts | None |
Hypnotism | Mind 2 | Ruling | Instant | Transitory | Vulgar | 0 | Presence + Empathy - 2 | Contested: Resolve |
Identify | Prime 1 | Unveiling | Instant | Instant | Covert | 0 | Intelligence + Occult | None |
Jump | Life 3 | Weaving | Instant | Transitory | Vulgar | 0 | Intelligence + Medicine | None |
Mage Armor | Forces 2 | Shielding | Instant | Prolonged | Covert | 0 | Stamina + Occult | None |
Magic Aura | Prime 2 | Veiling | Instant | Prolonged | Covert | 1 | Manipulation + Occult | Opposed: Resolve |
Magic Missile | Prime 3 | Fraying | Instant | Instant | Vulgar | 0 | Dexterity + Occult | None |
Magic Weapon | Fate 1 | Knowing | Instant | Transitory | Covert | 0 | Composure + Firearms/Weaponry | None |
Message | Forces 1 | Compelling | Instant | Prolonged | Covert | 0 | Intelligence + Science | None |
Mount | Space 2 + Life 2 | Ruling | Instant | Prolonged | Vulgar | 1 | Dexterity + Investigation - 1 | None |
Obscuring Mist | Matter 2 | Ruling | Instant | Transitory | Vulgar | 0 | Dexterity + Crafts - 3 | None |
Protection from Chaos | Forces 2 + Spirit 2 | Shielding | Instant | Prolonged | Covert | 0 | Stamina + Occult | None |
Protection from Evil | Forces 2 + Spirit 2 | Shielding | Instant | Prolonged | Covert | 0 | Stamina + Occult | None |
Protection from Good | Forces 2 + Spirit 2 | Shielding | Instant | Prolonged | Covert | 0 | Stamina + Occult | None |
Protection from Law | Forces 2 + Spirit 2 | Shielding | Instant | Prolonged | Covert | 0 | Stamina + Occult | None |
Ray of Enfeeblement | Life 3 | Fraying | Instant | Transitory | Vulgar | 1 | Resolve + Athletics | Automated: Stamina |
Reduce | Life 2 or Matter 3 | Weaving | Instant | Transitory | Vulgar | 0 | Intelligence + Medicine | Automated: Stamina |
Shield | Forces 2 | Shielding | Instant | Transitory | Covert | 0 | Stamina + Occult | None |
Shocking Grasp | Forces 3 | Weaving | Instant | Instant | Vulgar | 0 | Dexterity + Brawl | None |
Silent Image | Prime 3 | Weaving | Instant | Concentration | Vulgar | 1 | Intelligence + Crafts | None |
Sleep | Mind 3 | Fraying | Instant | Transitory | Vulgar | 0 | Manipulation + Spellcraft | Automated: Resolve |
Spider Climb | Life 3 | Weaving | Instant | Prolonged | Vulgar | 0 | Intelligence + Medicine | None |
Summon Monster I | Spirit 3 | Weaving | Instant | Transitory | Vulgar | 1 | None | |
True Strike | Fate 2 | Ruling | Instant | Instant | Covert | 0 | Wits + Firearms/Weaponry | None |
Undetectable Aura | Forces 2 | Shielding | Instant | Transitory | Covert | 0 | Intelligence + Crafts | None |
Unseen Servant | Spirit 2 | Ruling | Instant | Prolonged | Vulgar | 0 | Presences + Occult | None |
Ventriloquism | Forces 1 | Compelling | Instant | Transitory | Covert | 0 | Manipulation + Expression | None |