Last Emperor: Spellware

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This is the [[Last Emperor: Main Page|Last Emperors] guide to converting D20 Dragonstar to the NWoD/Storytelling/Mage system used for the new game. This article discusses Spellware, a Dragonstar specific game mechanic.

Spellware is discusses in detail in the Dragonstar Guide to the Galaxy p.87ff. In Dragonstar, Spellware is a magically enchanted version of cybernetics. Instead of a mage enchanting an Item to create a magic item, the mage enchantes a person, with the recipient able to use and control the magic at will, or always being the recipient of the magical effect.

In D20, creating a magic item requires money for the item to be enchanted, more money for the spell ingredients, and a selection of XP based upon the spells.

For Dragonstar, the recipient of the Spellware pays the XP cost rather than the mage. It is also assumed the recipient also pays the cost for the spell ingredients as well. In addition, the caster implanting the spellware must have the appropriate feats, and be able to perform surgery to implant the ingredients for the spell into the recipient for proper magical resonances.

In Mage, creating an imbude item requires the Prime 3 rote Imbue Item (p. 225), then is required to relinquish the spell at the cost of one willpower dot (lost, not spent). The Tome of the Mysteries has some spells with alternatives to spending willpower.

Implanting spellware requires, like any enchanted item, making the item to be enchanted. Step one is to dedicate the tool, in this case the recipient. This requires an extended check for 5 sucesses against Gnosis + Composure.

Second step requires installing the components of the spellware. This requires an extended Intelligence + Medicine roll to align the tools for the spells within or on the body of the recipient. In some cases this may be external markings, in others it is implanted material. The number of successes required for this depends upon the nature of the spellware implanted and would be listed along with the other costs of the specific spellware.

Third step requires enchanting the spellware. This requires casting the Path in the Skin (Prime 3 + Life 3) rote (to turn the ingredients into a tool for casting spells), the Imbue Item (Prime 3) rote to enchant the item, plus any other spells as the spellware recipie requires. Finally a variant of the Sprit Pact rote, called Enchant Spellware (Life 3) is cast. This final spell takes the point of willpower from the recipient to relinquish the spells into the recipient. This loss of willpower is permanent, and cumlative with additional spellware. (See also Restore willpower merit).

In addition if any of the spells require Mana to operate, the recipient is required to supply it, either through their own mana pool or via a Tass object. In the NWoD this may be a problem for sleepers to access the Mana to power their own spells. In the magic rich Dragonstar universe where everyone has at least a small pool of mana, this only requires the recipient to perform a oblation (Mage p. 77) to restore their own Mana as needed.

Spellware list[edit]