Layla Ankhenapep Miller
Layla Ankhenapep Miller
Girl, Shadowy Eyes, Gothy Clothes
Charm -1, Cool +1, Sharp +0, Tough +1, Weird +2
The Big Whammy (Shadowed Snake Attack!) Kick Some Ass with +Weird instead of +Tough. 2-harm close obvious ignore-armor; Miss gives magical backlash.
Tune In: Attune your mind to a Monster or Minion. Roll +Weird. 10+, Hold 3. 7-9, Hold 1. Miss, monster becomes aware. Spend 1 Hold to ask a question, get +1 Forward when acting on the answer: Where is the creature now? What is it planning to do now? Who is it attacking next? Who does it regard as the biggest threat? How can I attract its attention?
Premonitions: At the start of each mystery, roll +Weird. 10+, get a detailed vision of something bad that is going to happen; +1 Forward when you act to prevent it, mark XP if you stop it. 7-9: Clouded images of something bad, mark XP if you stop it. Miss, see something bad happen to you, GM gets 3 Hold to spend on -1 Penalties for you.
Dark Side Tags[edit]
Hallucinations, Secrets, Pain
Big Knife (1-harm hand), Shotgun (3-harm close messy)