Leila Grimwolf

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Leila Grimwolf (age 76)

NG Female Elf

Cleric of Arawai 4

Appearance: Long blonde hair, green eyes, and slightly short for her age, she's nearing full maturity but not quite there.

Personality: Leila is more bubbly than her sister Kellas, but just as tough. She's also fairly headstrong.

Background: By elven standards, she's still a girl, but the woman who will one day become Ben and Gerald's mother is already a respected healer in the community. She's good friends with the Greywood family, and their young son Sam thinks of her as a kind of surrogate Big Sister.

Leila lost her mother and brother to the War soon after fighting broke out, and her father fights for the Aundarian forces on the Thranish border. She's taken over the clinic in Mossmantle, and makes a fair living there.

Khorvaire - YK 900