Let The Galaxy Burn

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A 40k-RPG by Scarik.


Kimaris Tzeentchian Sorcerer (Faustus21)

Paimon Slaaneshi Heretekmarine (Silent Wayfarer)

Cassiel Undivided Champion (ArdentDawn)

Iakir Chosen of Tzeentch (Acrozatarim)

Ezikael Silanus Undivided Champion (Aliexster)


The Warband

Wolf Pack[edit]

Baleful Beauty Apostate class Destroyer

Harrowing Infidel class Raider

Syphilitic Iconoclast class Raider

Long Forgotten Hazeroth class Privateer


System Info and Rules Changes[edit]

House Rules and Mods

Former PCs[edit]

Gallus Chosen of Nurgle (Axelius)

Rutilus Equitem Chosen of Khorne (chrisdcoa)

Mechul Inge Undivided Sorcerer (EMI)