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Chapter one[edit]

[Picture, half page: The top half of the picture shows a walking man in work clothes and a hardhat. Rising up around him are half-completed buildings, mostly skeletal, and the sky is covered in smoke. He holds a box lunch in his right hand and a hammer in his left. He is walking through a large puddle which dominates the ground. In the puddle is a reflection depicting a similar-looking man wearing black robes with hieroglyphic figures sown in. He wears a steepled priest-like hat. rising around him are towering ziggurats, and the sky is stormy. He holds a human heart in his right hand and a cruel bronze dagger, stained with blood, in his left. Both men are smiling in an off-putting fashion.]

Chapter two[edit]

[[PICTURE: Full page. A young man sits in the bed of a parked pickup truck. He is surrounded by a half-dozen jugs of water, office water-cooler size. The young man is tan and shirtless, with black patches of skin – stripes - crossing his chest, forearms, and shoulders. His head is bowed, hair, obscuring his eyes, but a plume of fog or smoke rises from his mouth. His hands are curled into fists. Black blood leaks from one, in which is visible what appear to be shards of a crushed cellular phone. In the background, the road descends towards the coast, where a city is half-visible through the fog. The license plate of the truck is visible – Louisiana, 007-981.]]

[Picture: The Symbol of Bahamut: An oval, fish-like scale with iridescent rays. It is inlaid with intricate filigree-work in some precious metal. Over this has been crudely painted an open eye, with no iris but a wide black pupil. Fingerprints are still visible in the paint. ]

[Picture: Central. A fisherman is standing under a streetlight. He is a young man, with a general Latino appearance. His legs are in oilskin pants but he is barefoot. He wears a wifebeater, under which bumpy, scaly ridges are visible that delineate his muscles. He has no hair and his scalp is glistening. His arms are tattooed, and one of his hands is holding the rostrum of a sawfish like a macahuitl. His jaw is gaping wide open, much larger than a human jaw could, and displays several rows of teeth along with a flat, wide tongue.]

[Picture: The Symbol of Dagon: A wooden carved statue representing a bust of a man with his hands cut off. His cheeks are hollow and his eyes are bulging like a fish’s, but he has a full Sumerian-style beard. His hair is replaced by scales. The statuette has claw marks imprinted on it.]

[Picture: Central. A young woman with shoulder-length black hair. She wears a light gray business suit with a white baby-tee underneath. Her shoes are stylish and heeled, but not ostentatious. She has an attractive full, rounded figure without being really fat. From the collar of her tee-shirt, you can see patterned patches of colour like the skin of an octopus reaching up to her ear. She is leaning against the edge of a desk, nearby a window. In her left hand is a pair of glasses, half-folded. In her extended right hand, she is holding a practical butcher’s knife, handle first as if she was offering it to someone. ]

[The Symbol of Lahamu: Half a Nautilus shell. There have been holes cut out inside the separation between each chamber, and a dark liquid is flowing from one chamber to the next, until it leaks out of the shell in a small pool below.]

[Picture: Central. A woman is entering a wooden cabin. She is young, around 16 and pretty. She wears a brown waterproof coat over torn jeans with sturdy rubber boots. All her clothes are muddy and show the signs of an outdoor life. She carries two large fish over her shoulder, the fish are dripping water down her back. The woman is blond with roughly cut short hair and has unnaturally large brown eyes that are too far apart. You can see patches of mud coloured skin on her arms, they are irregular and look smooth.]

[Picture: The Symbol of Nu: An Egyptian-style stone cartouche, lying left-to-right horizontally. The following Gardiner hieroglyphs are carved on the cartouche: a leaping fish (K4), then a heart (F34), bleeding into a bowl (V31), and finally a stalk of grain (M23). Above them, a line of five stars (N14). All around them, the inner border is made of sinuous wave-carvings. ]

[Picture: Central. A man or woman, entirely covered in clothes. This includes a baggy hoodie, sweater pants and sports shoes. The figure is misshapen, with one shoulder higher than the other and a folded knee. The posture is jumpy, as if he/she was ready to bolt at any time. All the clothes are soaked and dripping. The hood is pulled over his/her head, and you only see steam rising from the location of the mouth. The figure is wearing a golden, heavy medallion on a chain over his jumper. Three small tentacles with sucker cups are sliding out from each of the sleeves.]

[Picture: The Symbol of Oceanus: A round plate in black and white, decorated like a Grecian pottery. Black circle on the outside, then a thin white circle, then the picture in white on black: an old, bearded man, from the chest up. In his right hand he holds a trident with a snake nestled between the tines. His left hand is submerged in the water that surrounds his lower body. Scales cover his stomach. ]

[Picture: Central. An Indian woman is sitting on a concrete post, which is pitted and eroded by salt. Her feet rest on sand. She is wearing a patterned bikini, with a thin piece of cloth wrapped around her waist and legs. The legs are kept together under the wrap and of a somewhat unnatural shape, suggesting a fish-tail. She wears sunglasses, complex earrings and a nose stud. The sunglasses still show some light shining from her eyes. Her hair is tied at the back, revealing gills on her neck. Her right hand is sitting in her lap, dialling on a cell phone. Her left hand, dangling at her side, holds a child’s beach bucket, covered with traces of blood, like a fisherman’s bucket.]

[Picture: The Symbol of Tannin: A hanging piece of cloth, coarsely woven. The edges fray and resemble used fishing nets. The centre piece of the cloth depicts four snakes in a circle, each eating the body of the next one.]

[Picture: Central. A young man in dress Navy uniform. He is currently pulling off his dress jacket, revealing a t-shirt on which several weapons have been strapped with medical sticking tape. All of the weapons are variations on harpoons and pointy metallic sticks, including a piece of sharpened rebar. The man is blonde, with a crew-cut and thin-rimmed glasses. His left hand has a crustacean-like look, with each knuckle articulated with the next like the segments on a lobster’s body. He is smiling, looking down towards the ground.]

[The Symbol of Thalassa: A Mycenaean-style funerary mask made of gold, with very simple shapes for eyes (basically one slit for the top of the eye, one for the bottom and a third in the middle for the closed eyelid). The edge of the mask is frayed or ripped apart. The bottom represents chelicera like a crab's where the mouth should be.]

[Picture: Central. A man sits in an office doing paperwork. He is old, and wearing a field gray suit over a white shirt and chequered neck-tie. All his clothing is frayed and looks lived in. The man is bald with liver spots, he is exceptionally thin with hollow cheeks and sunken eyes but has broad shoulders. His right arm is in a plaster cast. The shape of a crab like claw is visible through the cast. The room around him is cramped with peeling walls. The furniture is trying to look expensive but is cheap and battered.]

[Picture: The Symbol of Tehom’s Devotion: An Anglerfish underwater. The light from the anglerfish illuminates hazy shapes of ziggurats and spiraling towers, just at the edge of vision. This serves as a watermark]

[Picture: Central. A young and pale woman, blonde and distressingly thin, sits cross-legged on the floor in a simple white shift. Her eyes are closed and cosmetically blackened, and her hands are in a meditative position in her lap. Eight tentacles extend from her back and shoulders, each holding an old-style oil lantern, but deliberately coiled around it to cut off most of the light. A coiling shape of black water rises unnaturally from a bowl in front of her.]

[Picture: The Symbol of Emunah's Devotion: The image of an ornate chapel with a high tower. A line of waves marks the water's surface, from which only the very top of the tower emerges. The sun sits in the sky, directly above the tower. This serves as a watermark]

[Picture: Central. An older man with stern features and a strong, flat nose, wearing priestly vestments marked with cuneiform. He is up to his knees in water. In front of him, head bowed, is another man in a white robe. The older man is clearly speaking, and has one hand on his own chest, while the other pours a handful of water onto the supplicant's head. The preacher's hands are webbed, and there is the suggestion of a dorsal fin rising from his back beneath the robes.]

[Picture: The Symbol of Malkut’s Devotion: The shape of a gear with an ouroborous on its face. A bald humanoid form, curled in the fetal position, is in the center of both figures. Gills mark its neck. This serves as a watermark]

[Picture: Central. A man in his mid-20s sits in a dark room, at a table. He dresses like someone's accountant - white shirt with the sleeves rolled up to the elbow, tie, and glasses. His hair is short but slightly wild. With his right hand he is writing on a piece of paper on the table, which is covered in open books, bundles of paper, and clay tablets. His other arm, resting on the table, is chitinous and terminates in a crab's claw. The wall behind him is covered with posterboard depicting a colossal and convoluted family tree. The uppermost branches are average names in English, but the lower branches are in cuneiform. The lowest visible branches are merely marked by pictures of sinuous shapes. Certain names or symbols are circled, with no apparent pattern.]

[Picture: The Symbol of Natsar’s Devotion: A rock rises from tempestuous seas. Broken chains hang off of it. Three tablets are chained to its face. The skies are black. This serves as a watermark]

[Picture: Central. A muscular Caribbean woman in a white tank top, camo pants, and boots, back half-turned from the viewer. A bandana holds her hair out of her face. She is standing in front of a stone pillar like a totem pole, depicting the faces of monstrous beings with wide maws, protruding tongues, and bulging eyes. She is looking at one of the faces. Held up as a comparison in her left hand is a severed head, matching the one she is looking at. Her hand and forearm are coated in gore. Her right hand rests at her hip, where a long obsidian dagger is shoved through her belt. Both arms are covered in sharkskin, with the hint of fins at the elbow. Her exposed back is parted by a shark's maw, which rests between her shoulderblades. At her feet is a blood-covered empty sack.]

[Picture: The Symbol of Bet’em's Devotion: A swirling sea, from which emerges numerous sea-serpent like forms, as if on an old map. This serves as a watermark]

[Picture: Central. View from behind and to the left - A black man with a shaved head stands in front of a high metallic table, wearing a t-shirt and jean shorts, no shoes. He rests his left arm on the table, palm up. A segment of flesh on the underside of the forearm is flayed open and held in place by surgical clamps. Blood stains the table around the arm, with crawling and writhing shapes, suggesting primitive, half-formed life, emerging from it. His other arm holds a scalpel, hovering over the flayed limb. The man's face is impassive. On either side of his head there is a curved line of white, shark-like eyes above the tips of his ears. The eyes glow slightly. A magnifying glass, pen, notebook, and camera all sit on the table, to the man's right side.]

Chapter Three[edit]

[PICTURE, horizontal, covering the top half of the page. Stylized progression “Evolution of man” with six forms past human – a hunched, darker-skinned man, then the same man, but balding and more bowed, then a hairless hunchback with black fish eyes webbed hands and a stubbed dorsal fin, then a grey-skinned man with no nose and razored teeth, large dorsal fin and a tail, then a full-on Shark-man ala Peter Benchley's Creature or a Rokea in Crinos, then an enormous shark with razor edges and many rows of teeth.]